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Kakashi and Obito walked on either side of you on the track, chatting away.

The challenge was still in place between the two best friends, it only being a Tuesday. During that time, only little things were being stolen, nothing risky. Just things like a face mask, gloves, bandana's, lotion, etc.

Nothing wrong with that.

Kakashi was over the moon with these items. At first, he was truly hesitant about going along with Obito's idea. I mean, the male knew it was so incredibly wrong to be doing such things.

Like, he even began to sneak pictures under your skirt. Or spill water onto the white uniform top so he could see your bra. Obito knew it as well, this was wrong. Nothing that they were doing was normal or morally alright.

But that isn't stopping both of them from what they had planned.

"I got to head to the bathroom, I'll be back in a few," Kakashi said, waving his crush and friend off. After getting permission from his gym coach, he made his way inside the large, empty gym.

For the last day, he made sure to watch for a schedule so nobody would be around during this time. He knew just what deep shit he could possibly be getting Into if he was caught sneaking into the girl's locker room. Not only would be probably be expelled and have his record tainted, but the masked man would lose your trust.

Kakashi could not have that.

If you stopped talking to him, he wasn't sure what he'd do.

His gloved hands quietly pushed down the knob, cursing when it was locked. Thank god he's intelligent and knew a couple of things.

His hands quickly worked away with the pick-locking tools he carried in his pocket, slowly entering the girls' locker room.

"So this is how the girl's locker room looks like." Kakashi jumped at the familiar voice, whipping around to see his best friend staring in awe at their surroundings.

"What the hell are you doing in here you idiot?!" The masked man harshly whispered, glaring at him.

His friend waved it off, walking through the empty locker room. "I knew what you were doing so I tagged along! I want some of her clothing too. Anyway, which locker is hers?"

Kakashi sighed before shrugging. "Don't know," he opened another door that was, thankfully, unlocked this time - probably the female gym coaches office. Obito joined in on searching through the papers, trying to find the last hours list.

"Found it." The shorter man of the duo said as Obito trailed behind him.

Once more, Kakashi easily unlocked the barrier in his way, not having to pick it as the code was written down on the paper. When it unlocked, the two stared at the belongings before pulling everything out and setting it on the bench.

"Uniform, perfume, deodorant, hair bands, shoes, waters, extra clothing... damn, she doesn't have any bras or underwear in here."

"Awww," Obito pouted before regaining composure. "Hey, we could, like, go into her house?"

"You want to break in?"

"Well, when you put it that way you make it sounds bad..."

"Because it is, Obito."

"But Kakashi," the scarred face teen took his fair share of items from the pile, thankful he brought a bag with him. His friend had to put his own in a plastic bag before shoving it into Obito's heftier one. "We already did things like, well, this. And you said it was harmless, I don't see the problem."

𝐫𝐮𝐛𝐚𝐭𝐨𝐬𝐢𝐬 ; u. obito & h. kakashi Where stories live. Discover now