𝐛𝐨𝐧𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐭𝐢𝐦𝐞

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"Aww, are you really going to Minato-Sensei's house for therapy sessions? Can't you just come to Kakashi's house and have us be your therapist?" Obito whined, not understanding how idiotic he sounded. Kakashi smacked his forehead, mumbling about how that isn't how therapy really works.

Rin clapped her hands together with a bright smile and a reassuring hug to your side. "That's wonderful, I'm so happy for you, (Y/n)! You'll also be able to meet Naruto and Kushina!"

Kakashi nodded in agreement, fighting Obito's touchy hands off without glancing in his direction. "Now you won't miss any classes."

You hugged Rin back eagerly, keeping her attached to your side even after separating. Not that the smaller one minded. She was more than happy to be close, which Kakashi noticed but didn't care as much.

But Obito, of course, had a problem with that.

You chewed on some chips with a nod. "Thanks for the support, I appreciate it. I'm excited to meet the two as well. I just hope it won't be awkward, heh."

Lunch quickly came to an end, and so did school. You waited until Minato was finished with a few things before joining him in his car and to his house where his wife eagerly awaited to meet you.

"Now, I have to warn you that Naruto can be a little... mischievous. If he says anything offensive don't take it to heart." The blonde principal said with a nervous chuckle.

You waved it off and entered the house behind him.

"Woah!" Barely stepping a foot inside the house, a hand yanked you into a hug with a squeal.

"Oh my gosh, you are so so so so cute! You've grown so much since I have last seen you!" The red-head of a woman squealed lovingly as she suffocated you in a hug. Her words confused both her husband and you. When she finally pulled back, you gasped for air. "Oh, my apologies, dear! You don't remember me but I knew your mother since way back then. I used to babysit you as well! Oh— my name is Kushina, y'know, hehe."

"It's nice to finally meet you, Kushina. But, really? Mom never told me anything like that." You commented.

She urged you to come inside, making you sit on the couch beside her.

Kushina clapped her hands together, excitedly looking around. "Naruto, come out, sweetie! There's someone I want you to meet."

Little footsteps ran down the hall and into the living room where the remaining members of the house sat.

A tiny blonde that looked exactly like your principal appeared, and while you didn't care much for kids, there was something about the small, messy splats of paint coating him and the little bandages wrapped around his fingers and face that made you want to become close to the little boy. Naruto climbed onto his mother's lap, sparing you multiple glances.

"Naruto, this is (Y/n). I've known her since she was a baby, so be nice! And (Y/n), this is Naruto. He's four years old currently."

Though Naruto didn't seem to care much for the introduction.

"Can Obito, Kakashi, and Rin come over today to play?" The little boy spoke.

Your smile threatened to fall.

While yes you were originally here for a little counseling/therapy session, you can take a rain check on that. Right now you had to become friends with this kid and show him you were more fun to be around than your stinky friends!

Excluding Rin. Rin is very lovely and smells like flowers.

"Why don't I take you out today instead?" You offered excitedly.

𝐫𝐮𝐛𝐚𝐭𝐨𝐬𝐢𝐬 ; u. obito & h. kakashi Where stories live. Discover now