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Why the fuck did this have to happen to you?

How come you're always the one in these godforsaken nightmare situations?

The same ones where quirky girls that had an easy life giggled about wanting a stalker because they think it's cute. Or how they would easily chat about how they could totally would not be afraid of their potential kidnapper.

Well, that was complete and utter bullshit.

Those little girls didn't know the rush of adrenaline that flowed through you.

Those little girls didn't know how it felt to be on edge constantly, looking around every corner and direction as you walked alone.

Those little girls didn't know just how fucking terrifying this experience was.

This is real, not a stupid fanfiction.

Quick footsteps followed after you, alerting you that the unknown man was indeed after you.

Thank god you were forced into a bunch of different sports and was able to run quicker than the average. Not that it helped much since this guy had the longest legs and lots of stamina.

"Fuck, fuck, fuck!" You panted, turning a corner sharply, almost falling from the move, causing you to falter slightly. "Someone help, please!"

Tears ran down your cheeks at a rapid pace, blurring the vision for just a second.

The shouts for pleads didn't reach anybody. And if they did, they ignored it, thinking it was a prank.

God, people are so fucking stupid.

The area was unfamiliar to you. There wasn't a house or building that was recognizable. Just where the hell did you run to and how did you get this far?

Regardless of the questions, your legs continued to run at a quick pace, somehow able to withstand a distance from the man chasing you.

It was a bit confusing, because just from the glance you had of the man on occasion, you could tell this person would be able to catch up to you.

The question was, why wasn't he attempting to fully catch up? Maybe to scare you? Toy with you and make you think you could get away?

This thought didn't have much time to process before it returned to the previously panicked one.

"Somebody, please! Help—" turning another corner, a body crashed itself into you, both parties grunting from the fall. Immediately you panicked, scrambling back up to a stand, panting heavily.

The man, who you could barely see from the dark, rubbed his aching head, standing up to almost be your height.

"What's the problem? Why are you screaming bloody murder?" The male questions after getting ahold of himself, making sure to keep you close from whoever was chasing you.

Speaking of—

Turning behind you, you sucked in a breathe.

The street was empty. Bare of life.

That man must have run off after you bumped into this guy, thank the Lord for the timing.

You turned back around, trying to peer through the dark of who the man was. His voice was familiar...

"S-Someone was chasing me down the blocks," you breathed out shakily.

The male jumped, scrambling for the pepper spray he carried. Probably because he was tiny and rather skinny, and was unable to have a physical fight with somebody else that was taller— like the potential kidnapper. He handed you the pepper spray, asking you to keep it for safety measures, as well as stating he'll stay beside you till somebody got you.

When you took a glance at the phone that was grasped tightly in your hands, a confused sound left your lips when you noticed the flash that was previously lighting up your way was gone. Plus, it wasn't turning on. Great.

"My phones dead..." you muttered, curling in on yourself from the cold.

The male sighed, pulling out his phone, effectively lighting up his face. You gasped, which confused him greatly, till he looked over at you.



Said male wrapped his arms around your neck, pulling you in close. Your body succumbed to the warmth of him, along with the fact you were with somebody you sort of knew.

Sasori. Aka "Art boy" in your contacts. You had met him once in person, as you both had internet in art. Though he was more passionate about it than you were, as it's just a little hobby. Either way, you both had a full-on conversation of it, leading to the exchanging of numbers and texting. Growing close to him was fun, and you chatted almost every day if it was possible.

The red-headed male was adorable, that was to be known at first glance. But, what was cuter was when he'd talk about his crush (which he refused to admit he had) on some other art male in his class.

Anyways, Sasori is a good friend of yours, and god did you miss him. Despite him being twenty-one and you seventeen, that didn't falter your friendship one bit.

"What are you doing out here?" Your arms tightened around the male, trying to steal his body heat. Art boy noticed, immediately walking you both in some random direction.

"I was just going for a walk for some air. My house is a bit away, but I'll take you home once we get there, okay?" His jacket slung itself over your shoulders to keep you warm. He offered himself as a heating source as well by opening his arm. You took him up on that offer, curling yourself into his side to stay warm.

Finally, your body calmed itself down, your heartbeat returning to normal, as you couldn't hear it anymore after a while had passed since you didn't feel as if you were in danger.

Sasori decided to ask you about what just happened along the way and you made sure to tell him. He made sure to be a bit patient when you would pause and take deep breaths so you wouldn't just break down right then and there. No way did you want to be a sobbing, booger-y mess in front of the —sorta— judgmental male. Even though you know he could care less, it was just a self-conscience thing.

Damn, you really hated crying. And your whole situation doesn't even help that case.

Finally reaching the male's car, you sat in the shotgun, turning up the butt and seat warmer to the max while adjusting the air to be hotter. The red-head just stayed silent like he normally did, not bothering you with the fact that you were wasting his gas.

Okay. Sure, you just said that Sasori is a tiny twig that could get his ass beat, but that was before you knew it was him!

You glanced at Sasori, sending him a grateful, though more forced due to the previous situation smile.

All you had to say is don't fuck with Sasori. He'll fuck you up real good.


Y'all I'm sorry I'm gonna be doing Sasori so damn dirty and I hate myself for it— YOU'LL PROB KNOW WHAT I MEAN WHEN WE GET THERE BUT I FEEL SO BAD LMFAO.

Anyway not me texting some dude I just unblocked that made me feel like shit and actually enjoying our conversation, I am a disgrace to women. I apologize lmfao

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