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When you left the house completely, Obito was very quick to throw a fit. If this was his house he would be knocking anything within reach over and punch the walls repeatedly. But since this was not his house, and Kakashi would literally beat his ass down to the ground, he angrily shouts curses for the world to hear. His long, veiny hands tugged at his hair aggressively.

Kakashi eased Obito's hands away from yanking his soft ebony hair out, entwining their fingers together.

"There's no reason to be so upset, Obito," Kakashi started, keeping his tight grip on the hands of the other male when he tried to yank them away. "(Y/n) is just a defensive person, you know this..."

The badly scarred male scowled, yanking his own hands away from his boyfriends.

"You don't know how it feels like to always be chosen second."

Turning away from the dog-loving male, Obito's face contorted into an almost defeated expression.

He was just exhausted from always coming into second. Just when he thought he had his shot, the tables took such a sudden turn, the male himself couldn't even see it.

Isn't it rather selfish that you'll do things with his boyfriend, but not with him? For goodness sake, you should be fucking grateful he's even allowing you to be so intimate with his boyfriend! Plus, he fell for you first. He was the one who started this whole insane fiasco.

Why can't you just love him like you do with Kakashi?

His little depression session that lasted a few seconds turned into that same rage from earlier.

Kakashi frowned under his mask. "Obito, that isn't the point—"

"But it is!" He snapped back. The silver-haired male stayed silent, favoring listening to what his overheated boyfriend had to say.

"Kakashi, I'm exhausted from always throwing myself out there and ending up being stomped on! I'm just— just so fucking sick of it!"

He took a shaky inhale, scrubbing at his eye to rid of the tears that wanted to fall. "I love (Y/n) just as much as you, I treat her like the goddess she is! I've killed for her, for goodness sakes! Just what have I not done for her that's so different from you?!"

Obito furiously began to search through a little drawer that was hidden away, taking out his belongings that consisted of a plain black outfit and the familiar orange swirly mask. Immediately knowing what he was about to do, Kakashi sprung into action and tried to reason with him to not go after you. God forbid Tobi fucks up their plan by moodily doing something stupid that would put it all in jeopardy...

Kakashi's eyes soften when he saw the tears that flowed down his boyfriend's face. "Babe, please don't do something you'll regret..." he softly said.

Obito sniffled, taking one last glance at Kakashi before placing his mask on.

"I'll text you later." Is all he replied with before stealthily sneaking out into the starless, chilly night. Obito was quick to find you, and when he did, he just observed.

No way would he actually do something to you. Never. He'd never harm you, his love is too great for that. So instead, he just watched in silence, a low simmer of anger bubbling every time he thought back to earlier.

Why, why, why, why?

So many "why's", yet no answer to the questions satisfied the orange masked male.

Why couldn't you not be so stubborn and just succumb to him already? Surely you didn't only see him as a friend. You've kissed, held hands, cuddled. No way you'd only see him as a goofy best friend.

Why did you decide that walking home was such a good idea? Did you think it was safe?

How stupid and naive.

Obito shook his head with a deep chuckle, sending a death glare to the dirty pair of eyes that watched in the deep dark of the alley. Good thing he was behind to stop others from laying their hands on you.

He just wanted to stay a bit closer to you, let those hiding in the night know there was somebody else present in case they tried to nab you. So, Obito decided to pick up his pace. There wasn't much intention other than the stated above.

Well, until you looked back and had that cute look on your face.

Just what was Obito even thinking when he decided to instinctively chase after you? Before he could think, his legs made quick pace to run right after you once you kicked off.

The bigger question was why didn't he listen to Kakashi? Well, it's not like the scarred male ever did so in the first place. Regardless though, this little chase was a stupid idea. Pretty fun though. Maybe he should do this more often.

Hopefully, this chase will at least teach you a lesson to just listen to him and Kakashi. Instead of making poor decisions like walking home at night alone— or anywhere for that matter, you should just suck it up and take up their gracious offer. Stay closer to them.

Obito is still rather salty about earlier, but the pursue was making up for his rage. The length of his legs would quicken in pace then slow down almost unnoticeably so he wouldn't fully reach you. And he enjoyed to toy with your mind, believing you could genuinely out-run him.


When you began to scream for help, he tsked, picking up the pace. Sharply turning the corner he quickly hid into a —thankfully nearby and conveniently placedalleyway when he heard you crash into somebody.

His heart hammered in his chest. Not in the nice, cute, way. Or the 'out of breath' way. But rather, it was because of his temper.

"Sasori?" He heard you say.

Who the fuck even was this bitch you're talking about? His eyes brows furrowed, trying to think back to the name and if it was ever mentioned.

And that's when he remembered all that time ago when he took your phone and went through your messages. This was the boy you were texting. The one that Obito, himself, dubbed as "hot."

He cussed inside his mind. Sending a quick text to Kakashi like promised, he sent a message about finding another male you knew, the one Kakashi was trying to find but couldn't due to not knowing anything about him.

The dog-loving male sent a text back right away, asking for Obito to follow. And follow he did. When he would see you both turn another corner from the one he did behind, he would quietly sprint so he couldn't lose you or the red-headed male.

"I want to rip him to shreds," Obito muttered jealously when you cuddled up to the short male. So you'll do that with some guy you barely knew with ease but not him?

Tobi's eye scanned the address that hung on the house, sending it to the male that sent thanks.

Guess there's much more work to do.


Possible?? Character development ?? Idk if Obito being kinda angsty counts as that but I think it does a tinge(?)

Just bcz instead of him always being a little whiny spoiled baby and angy yandere pp, he's showing a bit more to himself, being more vulnerable if you will. (:

𝐫𝐮𝐛𝐚𝐭𝐨𝐬𝐢𝐬 ; u. obito & h. kakashi Where stories live. Discover now