𝐥𝐞𝐭 𝐦𝐞 𝐮𝐬𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮

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They finally had you wrapped around their finger.

It may have taken a few months of agonizing torture and pure insanity, but all that mattered was that perfect end result. The one that finally closed the first chapter of their story— the beginning. Now onto the middle.

Getting rid of all nuisances that come in their way.

Whether you suspected a thing or not, Kakashi would quickly ease that suspicion with a sweet lie. But who knows just how much longer you would begin to ignore things. The masked male and the Uchiha worried if you would ever take some action.

And hypothetically, if you did, well...

It just wouldn't end pleasantly!

Even if you began to act up, that would be way later in the future since you had just decided to date the two. Hopefully, It can always stay nice and sweet.

Though those two definitions don't associate themselves very much with the attractive murderers.

"Are you positive this is the place, Obito?" Kakashi asked with no trust for his dumb but lovable boyfriend.

I mean, was he really supposed to trust Obito with information? The Uchiha can barely remember what tasks he has to do in class even after it was just explained.

The male being questioned scoffed for what Kakashi felt like was the millionth time. "Of course I'm sure! You should trust me more." Obito pouted, staring at the specific lightless building they'd be infiltrating. "I took a picture of it just to be 100 percent sure as well."

With a huff, Kakashi moved out of their spot to the building, immediately getting to work on the locked windows. Silently and skillfully, the men (really just Kakashi on the silent part) climbed inside the larger-than-average house.

Obito's big ass feet couldn't keep quiet, causing a thud to resonate throughout the under-decorated house of their victim.

The normally masked male glared daggers into Obito's skull. Although the thud wasn't very loud, it was still a give-away if the victim was on the lower level. Thankfully, his room seemed to be up the flight of stairs.

Moving on, they began to climb the stairs, Kakashi still leading. Not knowing which room was which, he opened the one at the end, regretting it immediately at the sight.

"What the hell...?"

"Huh?" Obito's head popped over Kakashi's shoulder, trying to see what exactly the problem was. He squinted his eyes before giving up and turning the lights on. "Woah."

Inside the room was multiple pictures of a male with blonde hair, covering almost every inch on the four walls. There was also a bed and what looked to be an ankle chain. Probably for the unknown male.

What kind of person were you talking to?

"Ew, is that a..." Obito whispered, adventuring in against Kakashi's wish. He poked at an object that caused Kakashi's lips to sneer in disgust when his boyfriend had the nerve to touch it. The silver-haired male strides forward, pulling Obito away from the thing forcefully, trying to get his dumb boyfriend back on track.

A voice that did not belong to either spoke up in response, "It's a dildo."

Obito jumped, getting into a fighting stance alongside Kakashi to face the owner of the voice. They both glared daggers into the short man in front of them.

It was Sasori, the soon-to-be victim. The male In general looked relaxed as if he was either expecting the two or wasn't even phased by the intruders. He just stood In his pajamas that consisted of a crop top and plaid pants, picking at his painted nails, a plain look resting upon the seemingly emotionless face.

"Don't look at me like that." Sasori shrugged, walking past them to put the sex toy away in a drawer. "You're the ones that broke into my house. You're lucky I didn't call the police, you know? And what's up with your ridiculous attire? Did you seriously think you'd be able to kill me?" The small male sat down on the edge of the bed, resting his hands behind him while crossing his legs.

Obito was the first one to drop his offensive position, but still kept that terrifying glare of his while Kakashi did the same after a bit.

With a tilt of his head, Sasori tapped his fingers on the bed impatiently.

"Did you know we were coming to kill you?" Kakashi was the one to break the tense silence.

Sasori shook his head. "No, I didn't."

Obito stepped up, crossing his arms like a child. "Then how'd you find us out?!"

"Because you," the short male snapped his attention into Obito's direction. "couldn't keep your loud-ass silent enough to commit a crime."

Kakashi nodded in agreement, sending Obito a look that said 'I told you so, dumbass. This is why I'm reluctant to take you anywhere.'

Gritting his teeth, he shouted back at Sasori, trying to insult him but in the end being ignored as Kakashi and Sasori have a conversation to themselves.

"What brings you two to my abode, huh? Were you gonna kill me because I know (Y/n)?"

Obito's face cracked a smidge at the mention of his love, giving Sasori all the answers he needed.

He chuckled, standing up from the bed and out the room full of pictures, beckoning the two intruders to wherever. With a knife in hand, Kakashi followed behind, and then Obito. Down the stairs and onto the main level they went. And with a few more turns, a door was opened, so to the basement, they went.

What were the two males expecting when they finally set foot inside? Some crazy BDSM stuff or dead bodies? Who knows, but all they had to say is they didn't expect some large cozy basement.

"Take a seat," Sasori said, motioning to the couch across from his armchair. Obito eagerly sat, sinking into the comfortable mattress while Kakashi refused to sit. "Or don't, that's up to you."

Now comfortable, the red-haired male peered up to the duo that plan on killing him. Still holding the never-changing blank look that didn't give away any of his intentions or thoughts, much to Kakashi's annoyance. Motherfucker.

"From what I pieced together, one of you guys was the one chasing (Y/n) that day and saw her and me together. And because you decided I was some type of threat, you were going to kill me, right? Too bad I'm no threat in the slightest."

Obito opened his mouth to say something, but Sasori kept talking, not letting anyone get a word in until he finished his speech.

"In reality, I'm an ally. You saw that room, didn't you? I'm fucking insane, and so are you. How about we help one another out, hm? It's not like I can report you to the police because if I do they'd find some things I'd rather they wouldn't. And you can't report me because of what I know."

"That doesn't make sense, you don't have any proof of our behavior." Kakashi spat, twirling the knife in his hand around. "Besides, what would we even be able to do if we did help one another?" Obito nodded alongside his dog-loving boyfriend's words, opting to stay silent for once.

Sasori sighed. "It's simple. I'm recording us chatting and I had cameras in that room."

"And what about us teaming?"

"Ah, about that. I'll keep (Y/n) from suspecting things. She's a smart girl, you know. There's only so much you can say to stop her from becoming weary of your obsessive behaviors, she has talked to me about it before quite a few times." The tiny male replied, shifting around in the armchair. He allowed a silent pause to settle in so the two could sink the previous information into their brains.

As much as Kakashi and Obito hated to admit it, Sasori was essentially right. There was only so much the two could do and say to make you change your thoughts. But even then, you're rather stubborn.

"All you guys have to do," Sasori spoke up once more after the silent break passed. "Is let me continue using (Y/n)."



But I hope u enjoyed this chap<3

𝐫𝐮𝐛𝐚𝐭𝐨𝐬𝐢𝐬 ; u. obito & h. kakashi Where stories live. Discover now