𝐧𝐞𝐰 𝐤𝐢𝐝

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When Obito found out there would be a student transferring in his class, he could care less. All the black-haired boy wanted to do was head off to lunch as soon as possible. He really needed to copy off of his friend's homework...

Irritatingly, he slumped down in his assigned seat, a groan following after that. His belongings sat on the empty chair beside him, as he was fortunate enough to not have a seat partner. Though it seems like this would have to change when the new kid comes in.

How did this person even switch classes when assignments had already begun to be assessed? It's not fair they can but he can't! Obito has been begging his counselor to switch him out of stupid photography class since what felt like forever! (Really only a few weeks). But noooo, he isn't able to because it was "too far into the semester" and " he's being dramatic". Well, you're the dramatic one, Ms.Iceberg!

Dummy Iceland soundin' ass.

Whipping out his phone, he tapped away on it, proceeding to spam his best friend until class started. Surprisingly, he wasn't even late.

Today: 11:05am


Shut up.


What do you want? You're bothering me.

Remember how I've been trying to get out of photography since, like, the beginning of the year?
And how my counselor was like "yOu canT beCaUSe iTs TO laTE iN tHE sEMestEr"
Well, listen to this!!!! There's some student transferring into my class even tho things have already been assigned

Okay? And?
I don't know what you want me to do about it?
I may be smart but I can't solve all your problems, Obito. Sometimes you're just beyond help.

Hey! Take that back ugly!
I'll beat you up!!
Anyway, I'm just saying it's not fair :'(

Try it, watch where that gets you.
And so what? My counselor lets me do that.
Maybe it's just your counselor.

Huh?! Really?!?!

Or it's just you.
Class is starting, get off the phone.

Don't think I'm letting you off the hook! Just wait till lunch comes around!

Growling curses under his breath about his best friend, he continued to play on his phone, not caring that class was about to start. Why bother to listen to some stupid introduction? It's not like this person and he was going to be best buddies or anything. They'll probably just copy answers off of each other or ask for supplies if anything at most. Not that the teen minded, that's sort of his thing. Asking for school supplies, that is. He just always loses his things.

Lazily, he cups his face in one hand while resting his elbow atop the desk, staring at the front where his teacher was talking. It seemed like he missed a couple of things while he was on his phone, so he had no clue what the heck his teacher said.

"Won't you come in and Introduce yourself?"

The door slid open revealing a girl his age, wearing the school uniform. The unknown girl held a polite smile when he watched the girl send a bow towards the class.

𝐫𝐮𝐛𝐚𝐭𝐨𝐬𝐢𝐬 ; u. obito & h. kakashi Where stories live. Discover now