𝐠𝐢𝐫𝐥𝐬 𝐠𝐢𝐫𝐥𝐬 𝐠𝐢𝐫𝐥𝐬

848 40 44

Thank the gods above for Rin.

Honestly, the kindest girl that probably existed at this point.

"You're a lifesaver, Rin!" You squealed out, hugging the female tightly to the point where Shisui had to physically pry you off of the poor tiny girl. Free from your death grip, she greedily took in air. "Thank you, thank you, thank you!"

She smiled, "It's no problem, I'd love to come." Waving the female off for the day, Shisui ran after you, proceeding to sling an arm around your shoulder.

The Uchiha would be coming over today, since Azami was begging you to invite the male over again, claiming she missed him. Despite the fact the loving mother wouldn't be home till late, Shisui agreed to stay.

"What's that about?" He questioned, bucking the seatbelt to secure himself, driving off to a destination.

The car the male was driving was expensive-looking. Not that it was unexpected, being the whole Uchiha family was absolutely loaded, but even then, seeing this car and even just sitting in it never failed to surprise you. With the familiar and signature black and red colors decorating whatever car type this was, it always stayed completely spotless, thank god.

A sigh escaped your lips. "Basically, some sophomore I rejected asked to hang out with me," Shisui sent you a look that made you snort. "Yea, I know right? Who just asks to be friends with somebody who recently rejected you? Anyway, despite my rules on not inviting another person if the inviter didn't ask, I invited Rin because I was uncomfortable staying alone with her. The girl seems really nice and I do feel bad, but like..."

He shrugged, "There's nothing wrong with doing that if you're uneasy or awkward around somebody." The male gave his intellectual advice and opinion as to if he was some type of encyclopedia.

"I'm glad you made such a great friend like Rin while I was gone." A light pink made its way onto his cheeks when you teased him for the unneeded but always appreciated, concern.

"Me too. We've grown pretty close, though I'm more close with Kakashi and Obito."

Shisui looked at you at the mention of the two males he did not like in the slightest. Why couldn't you just drop them? Those men are nothing but trouble. He worries that if you continue to stay around, there'll be a bad ending.

"How come you don't like them?" You said, noticing the distaste written all over his face. "Obito is your cousin as well,"

"Just because we're related doesn't mean we have to like one another."


"Besides, I don't get a positive feeling around them. They're really... special?" Shisui's voice raised an octave at the end, signaling his struggle to sugar-coat the words for you.

A huff was let out, followed by argumentative grumbles from your lips. To end your rant, Shisui's hand playfully planted themselves onto your face, smothering you. He snickered amusingly when you tried to shove his hand away. Only when he had to pay attention to the road once more did he end up freeing your face.

"You're lucky I didn't lick your hand."

"Please don't ever do that."

≪ °✾° ≫

'Rin is fucking adorable,' you mentally screamed, observing the cute winter outfit that swallowed her tiny form. Her smile shined like the sun, blinding those that happened to look. Beside her was the smallest girl of the trio, fidgeting nervously and blushing when you greeted the two with your signature smile.

"Hey hey hey! Hope I didn't make you wait too long..." Right when you reached the two girls, you took to Rin's side while Yua, the girl that invited you out, walked on your other side, effectively squishing you in the middle.

Tears internally and dramatically rolled down your face at being stuck in the middle. 'Why am I so cute? What did I do to deserve this?' You wailed inside your mind. 'This is so freakin' awkward!'

Before Yua could open her mouth to speak, Rin beat her to it. "Oh, don't worry about it! We just got here, actually!" The brown-haired female shivered from the cold breeze despite being layered up.

"I'm glad— here Rin, take my scarf..." Unwrapping said item from your neck that had a bit of your perfume lingering on it, you stopped Rin to wrap the cloth on her securely like a mother would to their kid. She blushed from the pampering you were suddenly displaying.

Forgetting all about the ever-quiet sophomore, you smoothed her medium-length hair out of the scarf and gave her a thumbs up.

"You didn't have to do that, (N/N)." The senior pouted. "How are you gonna stay warm now?"

"(N/N)?" You blinked, flustered from an original nickname rather than the common (but very effective) names used by others around you.

Rin lit up like a Christmas tree. "Yea, Isn't it cute—"a shocked gasp left her lips, unable to finish her sentence. Similar to her, a gasp followed afterward from you.

A huge splash of liquid had found itself on Rin's coat and pants, dripping down to her boots. The nippy air didn't help, as it froze the liquid even more.

"Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry!" The unknown male that spilled the drink apologized profusely to Rin, who was reassuring the male.

"I-It's okay, really! It was an accident...!" Once the male finally left, she went to go wipe the liquid off as best as she could.

Watching the scene go down, a tug on your sleeve caught your attention. "Hm?" Looking down to the source, Yua Maeda stared at the cemented ground, face tilted to the point you can't see her face.

"U-Um... While we're waiting do– do you wanna get a drink...?"

Oh. You nearly forgot about her.

It's not your fault she had such a small presence and remained absolutely silent around you!

The wind blew once more, her hair products flooding into your nose. It smelled good. What products did she use? Maybe you should change your hair wash...

Lost in thoughts about hair wash and different products, the small female patiently waited for a response. And waited. And waited. And waited...

How long does It take to answer a simple yes or no?

Maeda peered up, no longer interested in the ground. The extreme blush she always sported around you was reduced to a minimal one. "(Y/n)-Senpai?" The honorific added onto your name ceased your mindless wandering, a shy flush of pink bombarding your face.

"H-Huh?" When you glanced down, your head instantly shot itself back farther from the proximity her face was in. Her nose had just barely grazed yours before you pulled back, awkwardly coughing into your fist.

It wasn't long before the tiny female's blush came back. "I was asking if you wanted to get something to drink while we waited for Rin, but you didn't respond..."

A cold chill ran down your body. Geez, it was insanely cold today. Maybe you shouldn't have given Rin your scarf. What happens if you'd end up sick and missing school once again? "Oh... Um..." Trying to avoid being alone with the sophomore who admired you, you stalled by peeking into the store your female friend walked in so she could dry her clothes. "...Yea, sure,"

Without warning, she boldly grasped your hand, dragging you to a nearby cafe. Not having the will to shake off her hand from embarrassment, you allowed her, silently praying for Rin's return.

'Please come back soon, Rin...!'



𝐫𝐮𝐛𝐚𝐭𝐨𝐬𝐢𝐬 ; u. obito & h. kakashi Where stories live. Discover now