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"Kakashi where are you taking us?" Snow hit the male's car as the said vehicle drove along the icy roads. Hot air circulated inside the car, warming everyone up. Along the way, you and Obito had demanded to stop for a hot drink, resulting in the beverages that were in the cupholder.

The Uchiha had decided to sit in the back alongside you, requiring the normal attention and affection. Kakashi just stayed silent, though offering a wink through the mirror before paying attention to the roads once more.

You huffed, making yourself comfortable by resting your head onto Obito's thighs. "You don't mind this, do you?"

Obito had pink cheeks as he waved his hand around for reassurance. "Not at all!" He happily grinned, smacking his lips against yours unexpectedly, which in return making your face match his. As you both bickered the rest of the way to wherever, Kakashi pulled into the awaited destination, forcefully pulling Obito out of the car.

Snorting when the masked male outstretched his hand, similar to a prince, you gladly took ahold of it as he helped you out of his car.

"We're going Ice skating?" You questioned when you entered the building full of people doing just that.

Kakashi nodded, leading everyone to grab a pair of ice skates.

Obito bounced excitedly. "I haven't ice skated since I was seven!" The Uchiha hurriedly put his skates on and set out on the ice.

You tried to warn the male, "Tobi be careful!-" But he didn't process that in time as he fell right when he stepped on the ice. Obito groaned, rubbing at his nose before he continued to attempt to skate. While fretting over your boyfriend, Kakashi put your skates on for you before doing his own, leading you to where everyone else was.

You squeezed Kakashi's hand nervously, sending butterflies throughout his stomach once you pressed yourself closer to him. He looked down questioningly, not saying a thing.

"I've never ice skated before."

Kakashi smiled under his mask, slowly bringing you onto the ice where you began to fall almost immediately. The male caught you by the waist, effectively holding you up. He took his time in guiding and teaching, letting your hands cling to him as hard as you needed. Even if you sometimes accidentally dug your nails into his skin, he truly did not mind.

In a way, that was a way of you "marking" him, and the masked male loved it.

Obito skated by, doing much better than he was in the beginning. He would wave happily and give a thumbs up each time he passed you and Kakashi, enjoying the thrill he has not experienced in a decade.

"You're doing great, babe." Kakashi would praise each time progress was made.

Internally you were elated from the praise, outwardly refusing to show such a thing. But Kakashi knew you much more than you thought. In fact, he knew you more than you seemed to know yourself.

Just what kind of h̶u̶s̶b̶a̶n̶d̶ boyfriend would he be if he did not know every single detail there was about you?

Including your well-hidden past.

"I-I think I got it," you said, letting go of your boyfriend's hand to set out alone. While you didn't move and just slid very slowly, you still managed to stand alone. "Now to just—GAH!"

"Watch out!"

A bigger body collided itself onto yours, making you hit the ice. Groaning, you held your head while the body that landed itself onto you helped himself up.

"Watch where you're going!" You snapped, wobbling to stand up. The unknown man laughed obnoxiously at your attempt and helped you stand up.

"Aren't you Kakashi's girlfriend?!" The man asked rather louder than the normal human.

"N-No I'm not!" You denied.

Due to Rin thinking that Kakashi and Obito were dating, you had all agreed to keep her thinking that way. While keeping secrets from your best friend was not your thing, this one is a bit more... understandable. A polyamorous relationship can come off as confusing and weird to those who don't understand it.

You just didn't want Rin to think of you negatively.

"Oh, really? Yes!" The man fist-bumped the air. "My rival has not beat me just yet!"

You stood awkwardly in his hold, looking at Kakashi for help who watched amused in the background.

The male gave you his name after you asked, where you learned that his name was Gai. He also attended school with Kakashi, Obito, and Rin since elementary, surprisingly.

"Okay, that's enough. Let her go." Kakashi eased, finally getting annoyed with how long Gai kept you stable. Even though it was only for a couple of seconds, the masked man couldn't care.

Gai grinned sheepishly and did as told, though effectively letting you hit the ground once more. You groaned as Kakashi came beside you to pick you up and keep you stable again.

The loud bowl-cut man exchanged a few more words with Kakashi before he left the arena. And right when he did, Obito came skating up with a scowl on his face, glaring daggers at the retreating green-obsessed man.

"Why was Gai here? Did he touch you? Hold you?" Obito questioned, wide-eyed and worried in an almost demented way. It crept you out just a tad how insane he seemed to act.

Gently moving Obito's hands away from the shoulders he squeezed, you shook your head. "He just bumped into me, that's all."

"If I were you I wouldn't talk with him." Obito spat.

"Why not? He seemed friendly." You shrugged. "Overly friendly at that."

Kakashi sighed exasperatedly from Obito's open hostility towards his loud and obnoxious friend. He shoved the Uchiha aside to grab your hand and skate slowly.

"Don't listen to Obito, he's just holding a grudge against Gai for bullying him in our elementary and early middle school days."

Obito took to your other side, holding onto your free hand so you were not only squished between your two loves but supported on each side.

"It's not my fault he made fun of me constantly!" The Uchiha grumbled, a swirl of anger bubbling inside of him at the idea of the boisterous man that was currently being discussed.

Sure, Gai may not bully him anymore and had apologized for it, but that doesn't mean Obito forgave him. In fact, Obito is the CEO of holding onto grudges.

And many other things, but for now this is the only one listed.

"Obito, it's been years..." Kakashi sighed with a shake of his head. The masked male didn't need Gai, his friendly rival, to die over his boyfriend's pettiness. "Please just get over it."

The scarred male puffed his cheeks out with an angry pout. You stared at Obito unamused at the grudge he held against a man who was one of the most harmless people (a man at that) that you've met. And you've only known Gai for a few minutes!

"I'll get over it when I get over it." He retaliated with the rolling of his eyes.

You and Kakashi just gave each other an exhausted look over your boyfriend's behavior before dropping the subject and skating the day away.

𝐫𝐮𝐛𝐚𝐭𝐨𝐬𝐢𝐬 ; u. obito & h. kakashi Where stories live. Discover now