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The hallways bustled with a variety of teens of all grades, ages, and looks that were goofing around, or simply walking by their lonesome. Never-ending laughter and screaming filled in the nonexistent silence, disallowing those who want the quiet to not get said wish.

Kakashi groaned, rubbing the side of his head irritatingly, being he was one of those who always wished for the silence.

Today was the day they'd watch you.

There was no need to even watch the schedule you had in order to break in the house, as Kakashi did his own research at home. He is basically the smartest kid in the whole grade, even more-so than some adults, after all.

"Kakashi, you good?" You asked, noting how he didn't respond to the comment said earlier.

He snapped out of his thoughts at the sound of your voice, Obito nudging his side slightly.

"Huh? Sorry, what'd you say?"

"Uh, I was just saying you don't have to take me home today. I have a friend that I'm hanging with for a bit. Maybe after I could come over?" Obito took it upon himself to answer instead of allowing the question to be answered by the one who got asked.

"Why don't you just hang with us instead?" He pouts, moving onto your other side to drape an arm over your shoulder. "Pleaseeeee?"

Kakashi waited for an answer to his friend's question, finding it better than what he planned on saying. At least Obito is the more persistent (bolder if you will) one of the two because the white-haired male would have just reluctantly agreed with the earlier statement.

The familiar lunchroom finally came to view as they made their way to their respected table, and you sat down by Kakashi with Rin in front of you.

"Hey, Rin—" you addressed the only other female at the table, as she sent a greeting back in courtesy. "Hm, I don't know, Obito. I'd feel kinda bad if I just all of a sudden ditched him. We are doing some work too. Like, I want to hang out with you guys but as I said, I just feel kinda bad if I did that." Sending a quick smile to the brown-haired girl, she listened in the conversation like she normally has been doing as of recent.

Ever since you showed up things changed. Obito stopped obsessing and complimenting her, and as much as she hated to admit it, she missed the constant attention that distracted her from the unrequited love she felt for the sexy masked man beside you. They haven't hung out with her as much whenever she texted them, and when they did hang out the two of them were glued to each other. How come some girl just shows up and somehow ruin everything for her? God, she fucking hated it.

"Pleaseeeee! Come on, you probably don't even know the guy that well compared to us," his hands stretched across the table to hold your hands. Rin raised her perfectly taken care of eyebrow at that. "What if we joined you or something?"

You pulled your hands away from his, much to the scarred face boys dismay, and shook your head. "I can't, sorry, Tobi. He's the one who invited me out so I'm not gonna just invite people."


"Obito, stop, that's enough. She said 'no' the first time, so learn to drop it." Kakashi finally spoke up, sending his friend a look that shut him up.

He held a frown before it turned back into that usual wide, goofy, smile. "Okayyy! Sorry (Y/n)!"

"It's fine."

"You'll be okay though, right? I don't mind that you're with a guy, because obviously, that's your business, but just be extraaaa careful, okay?!" Obito sent a stern, motherly look your way causing a breathless chuckle to come out.

𝐫𝐮𝐛𝐚𝐭𝐨𝐬𝐢𝐬 ; u. obito & h. kakashi Where stories live. Discover now