𝐠𝐥𝐮𝐞𝐝 𝐭𝐨 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐬 𝐢𝐧 𝐦𝐲 𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐝

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Obito scoffed, crossing his arms like a child. "Damn. You're really taking my man out on a date and you aren't even inviting me?"

After hearing Kakashi invite you out and not even bothering to request him to tag along, Obito decided to act like a jealous, stubborn child. And in a way, that is exactly what the male himself was. Stubborn, childish, and extremely jealous.

Of course, he knew that he couldn't always be with you and there would be times it would just be you and his boyfriend, just like how he and you had one-on-one time without Kakashi as well. But he just felt rather left out now that this soon to be planned arrangement was being chatted about right in front of him.

You rolled your eyes, following after the two men who walked back into the lunchroom.

"It's not a date, dummy. Anyway if you thought it was a date how come you weren't pressed, huh?" You prodded the Uchiha, still not feeling certain with their odd way of dating.

Sure, many people have different ways that they prefer their relationships. Whether it's a preference of being tied down to full commitment, checking phones and not able to chat with the other gender, or something more relaxed and easy-going like being okay with the other talking with anybody.

But, are people comfortable with things like this? Letting their significant other go alone with somebody on something that does look like a date? Being intimate like kissing or cuddling? Even spending the night, at that.

It began to make you question things
even more, as you've never seen the two kiss in front of you. You've only heard a short story that included a kiss from them. (Sadly that story also involved you as well, which was rather embarrassing.)

They've held hands, yes. Sit close to one another, yes. But kissing? Nope.

I really need to stop jumping to these weird thoughts. This is getting annoying.

"Hey, how come you guys never kiss?" Despite the annoyance of your previous thought, you cut Obito off before he could answer the previous question, as this had been weighing on your mind.

Kakashi swooped in, already knowing where your mind was steering.

"We do when we're by ourselves. It's just we aren't big on doing that in front of others. It sort of feels weird if people see us, ya know?" He smoothly lied, observing how your eyes cleared up a bit from the suspicion. "Besides, it's not like people are accepting of two males in a relationship."

That's pretty valid. I'd honestly be like that as well, you thought it over a bit more in your head before nodding.

"Huh. I guess, yea. Sorry if that was a weird question. It just seemed kinda odd to me at first. But everyone has their way of having a relationship."

Obito nagged you, though ultimately got ignored by you and Kakashi, as your thoughts went back to earlier events.

Sneaking a glance at Kakashi, you immediately turned your head back to the side with heat pooling into your face again. He chuckled at your embarrassment for catching you trying to look at him, pulling you into his body.

"If you want to look, you can always take pictures." The dog-loving man suggested teasingly.

"Bakashi sounds like a perv! Porno pics, porno pics!"

Kakashi angrily muttered curses under his breath, causing you to giggle. Obito received a slap against the head with a, "Shut up you absolute dolt!" Following afterward.

𝐫𝐮𝐛𝐚𝐭𝐨𝐬𝐢𝐬 ; u. obito & h. kakashi Where stories live. Discover now