𝐤𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐤𝐢𝐭𝐡

961 55 62

"Please accept my feelings!"

You flushed a light pink, suddenly feeling put on the spot from the bold confession.

Lately, there have been many people confessing. Why? You weren't sure. You didn't know anybody who confessed to you so how in the hell could they say they held feelings?

Your looks, perhaps? Maybe you have done something nice for them and garnered their attention?

Who knows what goes through people's hamster wheel minds.

Awkwardly you scratched your cheek, feeling bad about having to put yet another person down.

The girl in front of you was a pretty one. With short black hair that is slowly becoming very familiar with you and large ruby red eyes, her smaller form bowed forward, holding out a letter that shook in her grasp.

All you wanted was to buy a drink from the vending machine as it was lunchtime now when all of a sudden you had been stopped by the pretty girl.

"U-Um," you anxiously started. "I appreciate your feelings, but..." the girl In front of you that was most definitely your junior that had bravely confessed shoulders slumped, already expecting the answer to come.

"Yo, (Y/n)," a large warm hand placed itself atop your head, a squeak leaving your lips in fright, the younger girl left to just observe.

Kakashi smiled down at you, before bringing his attention to the anxious girl who gripped a love letter In her palms. His eyes hardened, Instinctively slinging his arm around your shoulder and pulling you in close. A wave of cologne wafted into your nostrils, pleasing you greatly and increasing your heart rate.

The masked male bent his back forward to be closer to the short unknown girl's height, who backed up from the proximity.

"And who might you be little sophomore?" He taunted. "If I'm not mistaken you should have been in class by now? Why don't you run along?"

You frowned lightly, waving your hand reassuringly to the downcast girl.

"I'm sorry about him, uh..." you trailed off, as you did not know her name.

"Yua M-Maeda." She timidly responded. You guessed she was the shy type, as she refused to make eye contact with you since the beginning and instead focused on the ground.

Along with the stuttering, but stuttering doesn't always lead to the idea of being bashful. Regardless, she was lacking confidence.

"I'm sorry about him, Yua. Uh, if you want, maybe we can be friends?" You awkwardly suggested, not liking the idea yourself but still going through with it.

Making new friends is so much work. Just look at Obito. A handful.

Kakashi's eyebrow twitched, already turning you in the opposite direction against your will. "Well, would you look at the time? Lunch is almost over. And you," the masked male glanced at the lonesome sophomore over his shoulder with a mocking smile and wave. "have to be In class."

As you were being dragged away by the lightly chatting Kakashi, you peered over your shoulder to send her an apologetic smile with a wave accompanying that. She sent a shaky smile your way with a wave before heading off to where she belonged.

Once out of sight, you lightly hit Kakashi's banging man tits.

"Why were you being so aggressive?" You whisper-shouted, irritatingly tugging onto his ears like a mother would their son. He groaned in pain, not bothering to attempt and leave your grasp.

Kakashi knows how you are, and if he dared remove your grip from him (which both of you know he could do so without any effort), he would receive a smack-down. Lecture and physical wise.

𝐫𝐮𝐛𝐚𝐭𝐨𝐬𝐢𝐬 ; u. obito & h. kakashi Where stories live. Discover now