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A solid week had passed, and there was still barely any progress on the Obito case.

To fill that missing void, Kakashi had almost always accompanied you. Whether walking you to class, hanging out at his house, or going somewhere to grab a snack, the silver-haired male you had fallen for was basically there all the time.

Regardless of how much time you spent with Kakashi, you had to admit you missed Obito terribly. His childish behavior and impeccable taste in geeky things, the soft hugs he gave, heck; even all the whines and banters he always caused. It was just weird without having that in your almost everyday life.

But no way were you ever going to go seek him out first, no matter what you said to Kakashi or how badly you wanted to. Obito had to come to you.

Never the other way around. The scarred male is the one at fault for the way he behaved.

Besides the drama, you had quickly become close with Mr.Namikaze, who had preferred you to just call him "Minato-Sensei" or simply "Minato" like some of the other students do.

Opening up to somebody, especially a male was nerve-wracking at first but after getting to know the man, he was already like a father to you. Sometimes when you went to visit him, it wouldn't even be a little therapy, counseling session. You'd both just chat about your lives, school, and work, maybe gossip here and there.

Minato easily filled the void that was always missing.

So, as you sat chatting with him, you decided to talk to him about a few things that haunted you.

"Um— Minato-sensei?" You spoke up, voice wavering just a tad. The small of your fingers fiddled together trying to give any form of comfort. The blonde male hummed, letting you know he was listening. "There's s-something I've been meaning to tell you..."

Inhaling a sharp, shaky, breath, you refused to make eye contact while habitually picking at the dead skin around your painted nail, slowly and painfully ripping it off.

The principal curiously tilted his head, handing you the little Koala plush you quickly grew fond of. Quickly able to read the mood, he could tell this was something you had trouble opening up about.

"What is it (Y/n)?"

Nerves took over your entire being. It suddenly felt like winter froze over the entire room. Rather, it was more similar to drowning under freezing water with no escape as thick ice coated the liquid's surface.

The topic is a heavy one after all.

"There's a student that uh— um... I knew. And I— he— I mean—" talking and forming a sentence seemed like the most difficult thing in this instance. Minato didn't even seem bothered by the constant tumbling of words or how long it took to even shape something coherent out.

Instead, he was tranquil. Patient. Understanding. Comforting.

"I got sexually assaulted by a student." You forced out, as the blonde principal let out a small gasp that was meant to stay hidden. Tears dropped down your face while you quickly wiped them with the tissues that the male offered to you.

Minato's face conveyed pure distress at the situation you began to explain to him. It took some time, but once you explained what happened to him, he made sure to give you the comfort and support of a father. With a hug, consoling words, and a few tissues later, Minato's worried face turned into a more serious one.

"You said it was Komicha Hizuah, correct?" You nodded at his words, watching him flip through a few documents before stopping. He stayed quiet for a bit, staring at a page that you could only guess belonged to said male.

𝐫𝐮𝐛𝐚𝐭𝐨𝐬𝐢𝐬 ; u. obito & h. kakashi Where stories live. Discover now