𝐬𝐥𝐞𝐞𝐩𝐲 𝐭𝐢𝐦𝐞

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When Kakashi left, you and Obito began to make a list of things to do. Just to name a few there was buying as much junk to eat through the long night, watching movies to make fun of them, and play some video games.

"Uh— Can I get an Oreo McFlurry?" You asked, resting your weight on the balls of your feet. A tug on your sleeve caught your attention. Obito leaned his head down to whisper into your ear.

"Get me my happy meal..." You rolled your eyes at his childishness, ordering as told while paying up.

Obito and his broke ass better pay me back.

Exiting McDonald's, you walked alongside your friend in the late of night, the source of lights coming from the streetlights and passing cars. It was around ten o clock now and having to walk to the McDonald's due to Obito's demand, that was thirty minutes away nonetheless, was exhausting.

At first, he wanted Chick-Fil-A, though you managed to convince him not to support the popular food chain any longer by providing him with details like how they have a history of supporting anti-LGBTQ.

One down, millions to go!

"What toy did you get?" Peering into his box, you stuffed a spoonful of the ice cream into your mouth, making sure to steal one of his fries as well. He whined before taking his wrapped toy out. "Oh my god please let me have it."

"No, It's mine!"

"Obito I bet you don't even like Barbie!"

"Of course I like Barbie! Who doesn't?!" He snarled, holding the toy protectively close to his chest. Seriously, who doesn't like Barbie? She's an iconic queen.

Monster high did it better though, not gonna lie.


"Okay, you're right. But he's irrelevant."

"You're right."

Snickering in your fist, you laughed alongside Obito, making sure to stay close to his side. You never know what kind of crazy freak may pop up and try to take you!

Moments pass and the scenery became more familiar. Your hand held the raven-haired ones, due to his constant whining of his hands being cold.

It was weird— especially since Kakashi wasn't around, so it made you feel a bit immoral and dirty. Obito managed to ease some of your worries about it, stating things like this were normal with the two, showing affection to others besides themselves that is. Even going as far as kissing.

Weird, but who are you to judge? It's not like you've ever been in a real relationship anyway.

Men are a waste of time.

Along the way, you both had managed to buy a bag full of snacks for the night, and some clothing for Obito to sleep in, thankfully. The male said he would sleep in his boxers since it was what he normally did, which was shot down right away.

Locking the doors behind you, you and Obito snuck up into your bedroom for the night, both changing into the respected sleeping wear before settling down on your bed.

"Move your fat ass," shoving the boy into the corner of your bed, you fluffed up the stuffed animal that separated the taller man and you. "You were crushing my sheep."

He pouts, shoving popcorn into his mouth while ignoring the movie playing. "Why do you have to split the bed in half? Can't we share?"

Your head shook at his words.

𝐫𝐮𝐛𝐚𝐭𝐨𝐬𝐢𝐬 ; u. obito & h. kakashi Where stories live. Discover now