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"The day is ruined!!" Sophie yelled, making her accent more noticeable.

Joe heard this and sat up from the couch he was currently lounging on.

"What's wrong babe?"

Sophie turned to Joe with a pout, "it's raining outside! So now our plans to go out are ruined!" She explained.

Joe just stared at Sophie in adoration.

He wasn't happy that she wasn't happy but he couldn't be too sad because Sophie looked absolutely adorable pouting and flinging her arms everywhere.

Also he couldn't forget her accent when she got mad, sometimes it got so bad that he would just stare and ask her to repeat what she said just slower and calmer.

"It's fine hunny, we can make new plans. I highly doubt anyone would mind." Joe said standing up.

In reality, Sophie is only this worked up about it because of her hormones. I guess being pregnant will do that to someone.

Joe walked over to Sophie and sat down on the couch by her, looking out the window just as she was doing.

It was a dark cloudy day and it was down pouring outside.

Joe loved the rain, he found it soothing. Everything was calmer to him, people were inside, the sound of the rain pelting against the windows, all of it was just amazing.

But right now, his wife didn't seem to find it so soothing.

"What can we do?" Sophie asked looking at Joe.

Joe looked at the water droplets for a couple second more before giving his whole undivided attention back to his partner in crime.

"Well, I say they all come over. Then, we will all hangout, make some treats, watch movies, maybe dance, and go to sleep" Joe said.

Sophie pursed her lips deep in thought before a smile broke out on her face.

"I love you Joe"

Joe smirked, "I love me too"

Sophie threw her head back and laughed before it was cut short with a hiss.

Joe's expression immediately turned into concern, "what's wrong?" He asked urgently.

Sophie shook her head before rubbing soothing circles on her stomach.

"Nothing just this little one deciding to play soccer in her mums stomach"

Joe couldn't help but smile a little bit, there little bean was already a trouble maker.

"I'm sorry. I guess she just likes the sound of her mothers laugh"

Sophie nodded looking down at her stomach.

"Your not quite ready yet little one. Hang on in there just a little bit longer"

Joe smiled before hearing a car beep outside.

"Yaaay!!! Pri is here!" Sophie called out standing up and smiling.

Joe laughed at her childish antics and stood up as well.

Nick was here with his wife meaning Kevin and Danielle weren't to far behind.


Sophie turned and screamed, making both of the brothers cringe.

Priyanka walked in and up the stairs in excitement.

"Look at you! Your so big!"

Joe walked away from the two and walked up to nick.

"It's like they haven't seen each other in years" Joe laughed pulling nick into a hug.

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