Sushi Gone Wrong.

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"You all ready nick?"

Nick grunted in annoyance while trying to fix his tie.

"You need help?" Joe asked leaning against the doorway of Nicks's bedroom.

Currently, the whole Jonas family (including the wives) were going out to a fancy restaurant to celebrate their new album.

All of them were getting ready at Nick's house but nick for some reason seemed to be having an off day.

He couldn't seem to even get his tie to cooperate.

"Yea" Nick huffed as Joe walked over.

"It's fine Nick. Your good, remember to calm yourself" Joe said redoing Nicks's tie.

"See all done," Joe said patting Nicks's shoulders. Nick mumbled a 'thank you' before putting on his shoes.

"Also, some famous guy and his wife will be joining us. They are from some recording label and would love to meet everyone" Joe said fixing his hair in the mirror.

Nick paused what he was doing but continued before Joe took notice.

He really did not want anyone else joining them at dinner but it seems that he had no choice.

"You ready to go now?" Joe asked looking at nick with some concern.

Nick nodded, "yup".

Both walked out and joined everyone else before walking out and heading to the restaurant.

As soon as they arrived, they all piled out of the car and headed in.

Little murmurs of the restaurant being "beautiful" flowed out, and if nick wasn't on the verge of a panic attack he would have been in awe as well.

Everything looked expensive and it even smelled expensive.

Nick stuck two fingers in between his shirt to try and loosen the collar. It felt like he wasn't getting enough oxygen.

"Hi, I am Amanda. I will be your server tonight, please follow me and I will get you seated" Amanda said smiling.

Nick silently followed behind everyone with his eyes pointed at his feet until he felt a small pinch on his arm.

Nick snapped his head up with a scowl and saw Joe making a weird face towards the table they were heading for.

"What?" Nick asked confused, Joe walked up and leaned in towards Nick's ear.

"That's the couple that will be joining us" Joe muttered. Nick nodded understanding and sat down.

"Ok so everyone find their seats and I will be back to take your drink orders," Amanda said already walking away.

"Ahhh the famous Jonas Brothers! Hello, I am David but please just call me Dave, and this is my stunning wife Chloe" Dave said standing to shake hands.

Nick stayed put in his seat while his brothers shook hands with Dave. It's not like he had anything bad against the poor guy but he just wasn't in the mood.

"So you must be nick. The baby of the group"

Nick looked across from him and saw Chloe staring at him.

"Yea, that's me" Nick chuckled half-heartedly.

Chloe raised her perfect eyebrows and smirked,

"You are mighty cute when your shy," She said moving some to show off some cleavage.

Nicks's face flushed as his wife was sitting right next to him talking to Sophie.

"Thanks" Nick quickly responded finding himself oddly interested in the table cloth.

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