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Joe Jonas fell in love with the show Game of Thrones but what he really fell in love with was Sophie Turner.

He had to meet her so he DM'd her and eventually they fell mad in love. They were so good for each other but the thing was, was that his brothers haven't met her yet.

So after a quick discussion they finally agreed for Sophie to meet Nick and Kevin. They were going to meet at Joes apartment so it made it easier on everyone.

Only a couple minutes and both brothers would be knocking on Joes door. Joe was really nervous, what if they didn't like her?.

There opinion on her meant so much to him and what happened if they hate her?. He looked at himself in the mirror running his hand through his curly hair fast.

"Babe!" He heard Sophie yell from the living room. "Coming!" Joe yelled back turning on the water.

He splashed it on his face letting the cold water shock his face. He grabbed the towel and dabbed it on his face.

With a final quick glance he walked out feeling queasy. He walked up to Sophie who was sitting on the couch playing around with his guitar.

He kissed her on the lips and right before he sat down heard the knock. It was like a horror movie, where you know the character is going to open the door and the monster is going to be behind it.

But it isn't so much the monster that is scary, it's the dread of opening the door. Joe walked to the door and sighed thinking "here goes nothing" and opened it.

There stood a smirking nick and smiling Kevin.
"Hey!" Joe said trying to sound enthusiastic. Joe pulled Nick and Kevin into a hug before letting them in.

Joe shut the door and turned around finding, not what he was originally expecting. Sophie was standing there smiling nervously while Nick and Kevin stood there with there mouths agape.

"Uh...guys this is Sophie" Joe said hesitantly. The brothers made no move and Joe felt like crying from the pressure.

Sophie waved before stepping back a bit. Nick blinked hard a couple times before looking at Kevin.

Nick walked over to Kevin and leaned into his ear so only Kevin could hear. Kevin nodded his head at whatever nick said and smiled.

Nick smiled and shook his head. "I absolutely love Game of thrones!!" He said kinda loud.

Kevin stared for a couple minutes before talking but when he talked, he only said Game of Thrones quotes.

"Winter is coming!" Kevin blurted out. Sophie covered her face and started laughing. Joe couldn't believe what his brothers were doing.

They were fangirling to his girlfriend. "Is there going to be another season?!!" Nick asked getting close to Sophie.

Sophie laughed and shrugged "I can't tell you" she said. Joe smiled and sighed, this was way better then them not liking her..or was it?.

"When you play a game of thrones you win or die!" Kevin said rather darkly. Joe chuckled stepping up to his brothers.

Somehow they both managed to crowd Sophie so he grabbed there shoulders and pulled them back.

"Why don't we sit down and we can talk like normal people" Joe suggested. The both of them nodded and sat down quickly on either side of Sophie.

So Joe was left sitting by himself across from the three of them. "Any questions other then relating to game of thrones?" Joe asked.

Nick pursed his lips and shook his head, while Kevin had questions.

Most of the questions were easy to answer but more the questions the closer they got to relating to Game of Thrones.

Nick and Kevin loved Sophie and Joe was so happy about that, he just didn't want her to get annoyed with the questions or them in general.

Joe looked at the time, it was around 10 by now and he was getting "tired".

Somehow they were now watching game of thrones and Joe really missed Sophie even though she was only 2 feet away from him.

The end credits ended to one of the episodes and Joe shot up off the couch and went for the kitchen.

He was thirsty so he grabbed a bottle of water out of the fridge and turned around uncapping the lid.

He was in the middle of chugging it when he saw Sophie walk in. He stopped breathing and choked on the water resulting in him spitting it everywhere.

He didn't mean to it's just every time he sees her it's like the very first time all over again and he quits breathing because she's just so beautiful.

Sophie quietly laughed while he started to breath normal again. She wrapped her arms around him and he held her, glad to have her in his arms again.

"What are nick and Kevin doing?" Joe asked. He thought that they would have come trailing along right after her.

Sophie smiled warmly and stepped back, "there both fast asleep on the couch" she said.

Joe opened his mouth and closed it. He smiled lovely "I guess you tired them out" he said jokingly.

Sophie chuckled and nodded "I turned off the light for them" she said. Joe nodded and leaned back against the counter.

"How do you like them?" Joe asked worried. Sophie thought for a few minutes before looking into Joes eyes.

"I love them" she said. Joe sighed happily, "and there not to much?" He asked smiling.

Sophie chuckled lightly "Joe if I can deal with you twenty-four seven, I think I can handle your brothers" she said.

Joe laughed quietly and pulled her into a hug before kissing the top of her head.

Joe and Sophie walked back into the dark living room and grabbed two extra blankets. Sophie carefully laid the blanket across Kevin and Joe covered Nick up just like when he was little.

The both of the brothers were asleep on the same couch so Sophie and Joe took the other one.

Joe grabbed a fluffy blanket and laid on the inside of the couch spooning Sophie. "What do you want to watch?" Joe whispered.

" about 27 dresses?" Sophie whispered back.

"Sounds good to me" Joe said turning it on. Not twenty minutes into the movie, the two of them fell asleep in each other's embrace.

Everything was ok after all and Joe was more than happy.

A/n~ I hope you enjoyed reading this little love story :)

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