Inner Demons. Part 2.

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Nick stayed in his brother's arms trying to bury himself into them, in hopes that everything would go away.

He could hear his brothers mumbling sweet nothings into his ears trying to ease his pain but nothing worked.

He could also hear the crew and probably there manager by the door talking.

He needed them to go, so nick silenced his cries and tried to speak.

"Make them go" nick mumbled out. Nick sniffled and latched onto Kevin's jacket gripping it in his fist.

"What do you need nick?" Joe asked quietly.

"Them. Out." Nick responded shortly.

Nick could feel joe nod and then turn to everyone the best that he could. Joe was whispering so nick couldn't hear everything he was saying, but he picked up a few things and it was joe telling them to leave.

Exhaustion was taking its toll on nick and he really just wanted to go to sleep.

'You don't know how to do anything right'

'Now your throwing a pity party for yourself? Disgusting!'

Nick then continued to sob some more, wishing and wondering "why was he doing this to himself?"

Kevin and Joe both had tear marks trailing down there face for they had just witnessed their little brother try to kill himself.

Joe was petrified and just wanted to know how could nick do this?. Kevin was horrified and downright hurt.

He wished more than anything that he could take his brother's pain and put it on himself instead.

But he couldn't so instead he vowed to never leave nick alone to get swallowed up by his inner demons again.

So Kevin and Joe just held him, and they would hold him until he was ok again, no matter how long that took.

Meanwhile, Nick had fallen asleep in his brother's arms and he looked so peaceful.

He didn't have that badgering voice constantly telling him how awful he was.

Kevin and Joe looked at each other and nodded. Kevin wrapped nick up in his arms and stood, caring nick back to the sofa.

Joe stood up and quickly shut the curtains making it dark in the room.

They had absolutely no idea what to do next.

Should Nick see someone? should Nick get sent somewhere? or should they just talk with him and see what he wants to do?.

They took the latter and opted for the third one because honestly, they didn't want Nick to be mad at them.

"Should we let him sleep?" Joe asked breaking the silence, his voice ragged from the crying.

Kevin nodded not trusting himself to speak without bursting out in tears.

Their little brother is in pain and he didn't see it.

"Don't blame yourself Kev, no one would have known he would do something like this. He hid it from everyone" Joe mumbled.

Kevin just nodded and sat by nick on the floor, carding his hands through his hair.

With a soft groan, nick had begun to wake up catching Joe's attention.

"You awake?" Joe asked softly as if he would say something wrong and Nick would just break into a million little pieces of glass.

Nick turned over on the couch and sat up holding his head in his hands.

"Nick," Kevin said.

Nick brought his head up but couldn't bare to look either of his brothers in the eyes.

He screwed up just like all the other times. 

'What? Can't bare to see the anger and disappointment bubbling in your brother's eyes?!'

That had never occurred to Nick that Kevin and Joe could be mad at him. But with the new thought settling in, nick's eyes widened in horror.

Nick dropped down to his knees by Kevin and threw himself into Kevin's arms. "Don't be mad, please, please, please" nick begged crying.

Kevin looked at joe in shock but quickly wrapped his arms around Nick.

"Nick I could never be mad at you! Never In a million years would I be mad at you for something like this. I admit I'm hurt but I still love you, we still love you Nick" Kevin explained wholeheartedly.

Nick sniffled and took in what he just heard, they aren't mad at him?.

Nick drew back and looked at Joe and Kevin.

"Nick, what do you want to do?" Joe asked moving to sit on the couch by Kevin.

Nick didn't understand at first but then it clicked, oh.

'This is it, your getting sent to the psycho ward'

"I don't-...I don't want to be sent somewhere!" Nick said looking frightened.

Kevin and Joe nodded, "well then would you like to see someone?"

Nick nodded "and you, I want you two there" just as a precaution, he didn't want to be alone.

All three of them nodded, "I don't want anyone knowing about this, especially our parents" Nick mumbled.

Joe and Kevin nodded, "ok, well then we're going to get you to help Nick. I promise that we will get through this together as a team. We will go slow and do our best but when it becomes to much nick, you have to talk to us. Not just keep it in, and have that brain of yours twist our words around, ok?" Kevin said.

Nick had never felt such a huge pile of relief get lifted from his shoulders and he wanted to cry out in joy but he had enough of crying for today.

Joe pulled Kevin and nick into a hug before mumbling "let's find a place where happiness begins".

Nick gave a small smile before standing up with the help of Joe.

"We got this!" Joe yelled pumping his fists in the air trying to hype everyone up.

Nick smiled a genuine smile and heard something that may or may not have fit a couple of pieces of his broken self back into place.

All three of the brothers walked to the window and looked out finding thousands of fans holding signs and singing "Rollercoaster".

Nick felt some of his anxiety come back looking at the signs but this time it was different.

It was different because this time he saw how much the fans cared and this time he knew he had love, and support on his side.

So maybe, things will be hard for the next couple of months, years, or however long it takes for nick to be ok again. But he had his two best friends by his side and the undying support from his fans, and he realized looking out across the fans towards the city lights,

That they were all he needed.

Oof! Some tears were shed but I'm updating twice in one day so yay! I'm pretty sure it's because it's raining and that's when I love to write.

Anywho, I love you! And stay safe! Xx

P.S~ Your not alone, lots of love beautiful 🤍

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