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'It's ok you got this!' 'All you have to do is walk down the aisle and try not to fall'  I thought to myself.

"Joe?!" Someone yelled his name. Joe jumped and turned around from the mirror where he was fixing his suit.

"Yeah?" He asked startled. "We are leaving in five so make sure your ready" Nick said putting on his tie.

Joe nodded and whirled around to face the mirror once again. 'How was he going to get through this without screwing everything up?'. He asked himself.

"Hey!" Kevin called stepping into the room, he wore a black suit that fit him wonderfully and a smile so big it that it was contagious.

"Hey wedding boy" Nick said grinning while he side hugged Kevin. Yes, today was Kevin's wedding and joe was scared he was going to screw it all up because he wasn't really that coordinated.

"Hey man" Joe said pulling Kevin in a hug and patting him on the back.

"Oh my god I'm so nervous" Kevin said stepping back. "It's ok, your going to be nervous but once you see the love of your life walking towards you, you're going to feel like the luckiest man in the world" Nick said seriously.

Kevin looked like he was going to cry while joe just stood there uneasy.

"When did you get all sentimental?" Joe said sarcastically. Nick lightly punched him in the arm causing the three of them to laugh.

Just then there was a knock at the door, "come in" Kevin called out. Paul Kevin sr, stuck his head in the door.

"How's my boy?" He asked walking up to hug Kevin.

"Nervous but I can't wait" Kevin said hugging back.

They both stepped away and Paul sighed "you always were the family man" he said smiling sadly.

Before the convo could turn into silence Paul continued "well it's time, so get in your places!" Paul said excitedly.

Nick smiled and walked out of the room with Kevin who looked like he was going to shit his pants.

Joe would have found that hilarious, but instead he was frozen in place.

'Don't fuck this up Joe, today means the world to Kevin' Joe thought to himself.

Joe couldn't move, he had a bad feeling about this. It wasn't like he was going to say anything wrong. No, instead he was going to trip and fall like he always did on stage.

"Joe come on!" Nick said running back into the room. "Everyone is waiting including the bridesmaids"

"Yeah sorry, I forgot something" Joe mumbled walking out the door behind nick.

Nick got in his place and held out his arm for one of Danielles bridesmaids to take, and she did so gladly.

Joe did the same thing and sighed when he heard the music start.

Joe could feel his insides twist in a uncomfortable manor and him start to sweat bullets.

The door opened and nick moved forward causing Joe to move himself. 'One foot in front of the other' Joe thought worriedly.

Eventually, Joe and everyone else walked along the beautifully decorated aisle and made it to there spots.

Joe released a breath he didn't realize he was holding and wiped his forearm across his forehead.

He smiled 'I did it!'. Then the bride came down practically glowing while Kevin stood straighter and started to cry.

Joe mashed his lips together in order to keep from laughing and watched the couple get married. It was amazing, and he couldn't wait till he found his love of his life.

Everyone erupted in cheers startling Joe yet again until he realized the couple was now married. Joe clapped along and whooped before everyone got up to go to the ballroom area.

The colors were gorgeous, the purple color fit very well and there was enough room to fit everyone.

Nick was talking with one of Danielle sisters when Joe walked in finally letting his guard down.

If he was going to trip, he would have already done it right?. So while the married couple laughed and held each other Joe found the food and started to walk over.

There were so many options to choose from, but the huge cake got in the way a bit. So Joe took the long way around, and around the tables.

Joe was just about there when he felt his heart stop. His foot caught on one of the table cloths causing him to go flying.

Everything seemed to go into slow motion from there because what happened next was even worse.

Joe tried to grip something, anything for that matter and he found something all right but it was too late.

He landed with a thud, causing his head to hit the ground. He winced but half a second later the wedding cake toppled over and landed on him splattering everyone in proximity, including the groom and bride.

Joe laid there with a pounding headache and cake all over him. He had no intention of trying to get up and apologize, because he screwed up and he didn't want to see all the disappointment stares.

Tears slipped down the corner of his eyes as he laid there, hating on himself.

He tried holding it together but it became to much. He ruined his brothers wedding and kevin didn't deserve this, neither did Danielle.

More tears spilled onto the floor as he laid there until something flew over his head. He thought he was seeing things until it happened again.

He drew his eyes brows together in confusion and saw more balls of whatever it was start to fly threw the air followed by laughter.

Joe lifted his head slowly and saw everyone was throwing the cake at each other laughing. Everyone was covered in it and he just stared until a ball hit him on the head.

Joe looked over and saw nick doubled over in laughter. Joe smiled and stood up grabbing a ball of mushed up cake, throwing it at nick who caught it with his face.

Joe laughed but stopped. He destroyed their wedding cake and they made a game out of it.

Joe walked over to Kevin and Danielle who were shoving cake into each other mouths and cleared his throat.

"I'm so sorry for destroying your cake" he said softly. Kevin shrugged and Danielle only smiled, "Aw joe, it's ok. This is even better, so thank you" Danielle said laughing afterwards.

Kevin drew joe in a hug smearing the cake even more. "It's fine Joe. I swear" Kevin said and then joe felt a huge blob of cake fall on top of his head.

Joe playfully shoved Kevin away and grabbed the nearest cake he could find and threw it.

At the end of the day, Joe still felt guilty about the cake but if he made the special couple happy then he didn't mind.

After all, he just wasn't that coordinated.

A/n~ I'm sorry for not updating, I have been filled to the max with work and have been super tired. But I hoped you liked it!!

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