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Everyday sense the Happiness begins tour started, the Jonas brothers walk up on stage with a big smile on there faces. They love there fans with all there hearts and the moment when they start singing with them and know all the lyrics it warms there hearts.

But one of the greater many things that happens on stage is that the brothers perform with each other. They know that if someone forgets a line (Joe) one of them can step in and help. They always got each others backs and the fact that after so many years of being apart and being able to walk back on the stage and still remember is unbelievably extraordinary.

They always no what to do to, whether it be Joe and Nick singing at the same mic or Nick and Kevin doing there guitar moves, They always have so much fun.

So, in support to that Nick had an idea. All three of the brothers had tattoos whether it was about there family, themselves, or there music they have them. So why not get a tattoo for all three of them to wear as a signature on stage.

Nick thought it was a great idea and was fairly excited. So he took the opportunity,that while they were recording at the studio, he should bring it up.

"Hey guys, I have been meaning to ask you this for awhile but never found the right time" Nick said. Kevin and Joe stopped what they were doing and looked at Nick. "Go for it, ask away. Were listening"Joe said seriously.

Nick took a deep breath in "I was wondering if you guys would like to get matching tattoos?" He asked.

Nick was ready for the teasing and the smart ass remarks but was met with Joe and Kevin nodding.

"I think that's a great idea" Kevin said. Joe nodded and smirked.

"What would the tattoo be though?" Joe asked. Kevin started messing with his guitar thinking but nick already knew what he wanted it to be.

"An arrow" Nick simply said. Joe looked at nick kinda confused but nodded. "Ok and why an arrow?" He asked.

Kevin stopped messing around and listened. "Because it represents how we always got each other's backs and it's simple but meaningful" Nick explained.

Both Joe and Kevin nodded while smiling. "I think that's a great idea" Joe said standing up.

Joe started to walk out of the recording room before Nick stopped him.

"Where are you going?" Nick asked sadly, he thought Joe liked the idea of the arrow. He didn't mean to make Joe mad.

"I'm going to grab my jacket because us three have a tattoo parlor to get to" Joe said smiling. Nick let his shoulders sag in relief.

Nick smiled and playfully hit Joes shoulder before running back and grabbing his own jacket.

"Kevin, man come on" Nick said. Kevin looked up and put his guitar on the couch before hopping up and following the younger
All three of the brothers walked into the tattoo shop and looked around. There were so many options and many ranges of tattoos all over the place.

Just then a tall but scrawny dude with many piercings came over to them. "What can I help you with gentlemen?" The dude asked.

Nick took the liberty of answering, he was a grown man after all. "Uh...all three of us would like matching tattoos please" Nick said nicely.

The dude nodded his head and typed something into his computer before stepping back. "Do you have anything in mind or a drawing of what you want?" The dude asked. Nick new this was going to be asked so he reached into his back pocket and grabbed out the piece of paper with the drawing on it.

Nick unfolded the paper that revealed a thin but long arrow. "You sure you want this?" The dude asked. Nick nodded and looked at both Joe and Kevin who nodded as well.

The dude nodded and moved his hand motioning for them to follow him. So they did and sat in each of there own chairs. "I'm Jack by the way" The dude said or rather "Jack" said. The three brothers nodded and said "Hi".

"I'm Joe" Joe said, "That's Nick and that's Kevin" He said pointing at them. Jack nodded and got to work. "Where would you like your tattoos?" Jack asked. Nick pointed at the back of his arm and Jack got busy.

After a while of full concentration all three of the boys came walking out of the tattoo parlor with the same thin, and long arrow on the back of there arms. They were happy and satisfied with the result.

Maybe it was just a stupid tattoo or nothing big but to the brothers it meant everything. It meant that they have each have each others backs and that they have each other.

Some of the smallest things in life have the greatest meaning.

A/N~ I hope you liked it! The picture above is actually the tattoo the brothers got on there arms and this story was inspired by one of Nicks interviews. He was answering The Internets most asked questions and his tattoos came up and he said that it meant a lot to him because it was one he shared with his brothers and that they always had each others backs! So theirs the back story to the story and I hoped you enjoyed.

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