The Drinking Game

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When the band broke up and many years later when they decided to get back together they played a drinking game. Now it was definitely therapeutic in a way but no one can deny that some stuff was said.

It was easy, there was a pile of cards and a bowl full of questions ranging from "Why you did this" to "Where did we go wrong".

Every time one of the brothers answered but one didn't think they answered to there fullest or the truth they each had to take a drink.

It started off simple and the brothers were answering the truth. But the more they drank the more things got heated.

"Maybe you should have just told me instead of pushing me out" Kevin said. Joe nodded but shrugged "I'm sorry Kev and I regret it so much but now I understand" Joe said.

Kevin shrugged and took a big swig of his drink. Minute by minute everything was getting fuzzier and all of them were starting to get open minded.

"Its Nick turn" Kevin said. So Nick reached into the bowl and read the question "Why did you break up the band?" he read.

Nick shook his head but answered anyway "I did it because I didn't feel like we were in it as a team anymore" he said.

Kevin didn't know what to say other then "Why?" and Joe just stayed silent because this topic opened up the wounds that he tried so hard to close many years ago.

"I didn't feel like we were a team because, you Kevin were with Daniel all he time and I felt like you weren't in it all the way anymore. With Joe I felt like you had a sense of going off on your own or you were too worried about what other people thought" Nick said explaining himself.

Just then Joe twirled around with force and threw his glass cup against the wall. The glass colliding with the wall made a huge crash leading to the liquid inside splash everywhere. But before any of the brothers could say or render what just happened Joe stood up.

"That's BULLSHIT!" Joe yelled while pointing to a speechless Nick. "You were the one who went off on your own and got a taste of what a solo gig was! You were the one who abandoned me and Kev!".

By this time Joe had tears trailing down his face and Kevin was standing up ready to calm Joe down.

"Maybe if you weren't always goofing off or maybe once in your life take something serious then maybe we could have figured something out!!" Nick yelled back. More tears spilled down Joe's face.

Joe nodded his head "Ok, Well maybe sometimes the only thing a person has is there humor or there smile to help cover the pain there actually going through on the inside". 

Nick opened his mouth but shut it, he didn't know what to say to that.

Joe talked quiet now "nick, what you did hurt. You were my best friend and to think that someone I cared about so much could tear down what I loved doing so much hurt" he said.

Nick could hear the pain in his voice, "I'm sorry for everything and if I could go back and take back what I did, I would" he said.

Nick stood up and slowly walked over to a very upset looking Joe. "I'm so sorry" he mumbled pulling Joe into a brotherly hug.

Joe hugged back knowing there was still some questions but this particular question was the one that hit everyone deep.

They eventually let go and say back down and finished the questions. A lot of stuff was off there chests now and they felt good.

They decided that maybe just maybe they could restart and be brothers once again.

They were still sitting at the table and were making jokes now.

"I mean that ballerina was talking shit and I know it" said Joe a little too seriously. Kevin and Nick were laughing though, really hard.

After a couple of seconds though Joe joined in resulting in Kevin falling out of his chair. That caused them to erupt in a louder fit of laughter to where they were holding there stomachs from the cramps.

They wiped the tears away from the laughter and sighed.

"Hey Kev can you still do flips and stuff?" Nick asked suddenly. Joe raised an eyebrow wondering where this was leading.

Kevin shrugged "yeah, I just haven't done one in awhile" Kevin said chuckling.

"Do one in the living room" Nick said. Kevin look confused but didn't turn down the statement.

"Ok" and with that, all three of them stood up and walked/stumbled into the living room. Joe and Nick stood on either side of Kevin waiting for him to do a flip.

Kevin set down his drink and rubbed his hands together. "On the count of three" said Nick.

Joe started to count "1...2....3!" Joe yelled. Kevin ran and did a flip but in the process his shoe flew off hitting a painting.

He landed the flip but the painting now had Kevin's shoe print on it. Nick and Joe laughed while Kevin was wondering where his shoe went.

"Ayy!! You can do a flip still!!" Nick screamed laughing. All three of them started laughing till they sat down and mumbled to one another.

One by one they all fell asleep with smiled on there faces.

They would clean up there mess in the morning.

A/n~ Something quick and easy! Hope you liked it!

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