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*Play the music above if you wish*

Snow fell soundlessly during the cold winter night. It blanketed everything in its path and hugged houses turning them into something beautiful.

Christmas lights littered the neighborhood and added a sense of hope and happiness to where there only seemed to be darkness.

For many kids, Santa was on his way, so everyone was tucked neatly and softly into there beds, sleeping soundlessly.

But that wasn't the case for the three little Jonas boys because, In fact, the oldest and the middle child were waking up the youngest.

"Nicky come on, it's time" Joe whispered gently rolling nick back and forth.

"Nick let's go!" Kevin whispered shaking nicks shoulder.

Nick sat up and rubbed his eyes with his fists clenched.

"It's time already?" Nick whispered now fully awake.

Joe and Kevin nodded, so nick climbed out of bed and grabbed his snowman blanket.

All three of the boys had there own set of Christmas pajamas and there very own Christmas blankets and that's exactly what they were wearing.

Kevin hugged his Christmas tree blanket tighter around his shoulders and began to walk out of the room with the other two boys in tow.

Joe had his Christmas light blanket wrapped around his head and body and giggled.

This is what the boys did every year and it became a tradition for them, but their parents did not know.

The three boys walked down the stairs and made their way into the dark living room where the only light was the Christmas tree that lit up the room.

Kevin made his way into the kitchen making sure to be extra quiet and got out the hot cocoa.

Meanwhile, both nick and joe got comfy on their sofa that was next to the tree and was fortunately in front of the big living room window.

They watched the snow blanket the ground creating what looked like millions of diamonds scattered about.

If they were quiet enough they could hear the soft howl of the wind and the music echoing off of the wind chimes.

Nick giggled and jumped into Joe's lap so he could have a better view of the outside.

There Christmas tree was brightly lit beside them and had candy canes hanging off along with the other obvious decorations.

After a couple of moments, Kevin came in with three cups of hot chocolate and handed them out, before sitting on the sofa as well.

This is what they did every year and it was the one thing that they had for each other.

The three boys sat in silence, drank their cocoa, and watched the snow outside. To some people, snow was just a mess, basically rain.

But to the boys in held a much deeper meaning, it carried hope and happiness. It said that even the most beautiful things can be dangerous but something so cold can be just as warm.

The boys finished their cups and started to nod off.

Kevin looked away from the window and smiled at his little brothers. They were both dozing off and the Christmas lights had created a colorful pattern across there faces.

"Joe!" Kevin said shaking him awake. Joe mumbled something groggily and sat up.

"Let's go back to bed"

Kevin grabbed Nick and carried him up the stairs but not before each of them took one last look at the scenery outside.

With a tired wave, nick was brought back upstairs and put into his nice warm bed.

"Sweet dreams nick," Kevin said pulling his Christmas blanket up to his chin.

"Night' Kevy" nick said rolling over with a giant smile on his face.

Kevin stood up and padded down to Joe's bedroom. Joe was standing by his small window still looking out across the small neighborhood.

"Joe it's time to go to sleep, Santa isn't going to come if you don't"

Joe looked at Kevin grinning before jumping into his bed.

"Kev, I want to write a Christmas song with you and nick. I already have a name!" Joe said excitedly.

Kevin walked up to joe to tuck him in as well.

"Yeah and what's the name going to be?" Kevin asked pulling the blanket up and around Joe.

"Like it's Christmas!" Joe exclaimed.

Kevin laughed and shushed joe quietly. "That sounds beautiful joe"

Joe smiled and was already half asleep.

"It's like a winter wonderland out there," Joe said tiredly.

"It definitely is" Kevin agreed pushing Joe's hair out of his face.

"Merry Christmas Kevin" joe said.

"Merry Christmas joe," Kevin said but was too late before he heard soft snores coming from Joe.

Kevin chuckled and walked back to his room.

He felt warm and cozy inside so when he hit his bed he let himself succumb to sleep.

The snow outside had picked up and in the faint distance, Christmas bells could be heard.

All the animals were curled up nice and warm, and even for just a couple hours, everything seemed all right in the world.

I felt like doing a short Christmas chapter. I'm in my holiday feels so please don't kill me lmao.

I love you!xx

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