Award Shows.

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The ability to overthink and suffocate in your own body and head without anyone noticing.

Of course, there are the little ticks like popping your knuckles, bouncing your leg, fidgeting, biting your lips etc.

But then there are the worse side effects: Dizziness, constantly tired, chest pain, panic, shaking, racing thoughts, and mood swings.

All of these things plus more is the monster whispering in your ear but only you can hear it.

Nick has all of this, and the only two who know or even care for that matter are his older brothers; Kevin and Joe.

Now when he is in his own household he's just fine besides the little ticks and such, but when he's in front of a crowd or there are too many people...he loses himself.

For instance; tonight was the Grammy's, the most important award show for all bands and solo artists out there.

The three brothers were excited because they were nominated for the best summer music award along with the hit band of the year.

Everything was cool; Nick stayed with his brothers and talked to other celebs, Nick managed to force down some water so at least something was in his stomach, and eventually, they got to go back to their own room before performance time.

"Jonas Brothers are on in ten minutes," an intercome said overhead.

The brothers were doing their usual warmups but Nick wasn't feeling it like he usually would.

Maybe he could somehow lie his way into not performing. Joe could cover his part and make up some excuses.

"Nick you're zoning out. We need you bud." Joe said snapping his fingers.

Nick gave Joe a small smile and turned towards Kevin. "Kev where are you?" Nick called out, once he figured out that Kevin seemed to disappear.

Nicks heart rate increased rapidly, "kev!" he tried again.

Joe looked back at Nick worried, "Nick he went to the restroom. It's ok, take a couple of deep breaths before you go and get yourself worked up."

Nick breathed in a stuttering breath and released, doing so a couple more times till he was calm.

"I heard my name?"

Nick saw Kevin and walked up to him.

"Yeah I called you, I just wanted to know where you were but Joe told me." Nick explained. Kevin smiled and sat down on the couch.

"We have to go in a couple minutes" Joe reminded the both of them.

"Yeah I know I'm just a bit overworked" Kevin said. Nick flopped down on the couch next to Kevin, "we could cancel" Nick threw out.

Joe whipped around, "We are not canceling! We have to be out there in like three minutes now. Pull yourselves together and let's rock them!"

Both brothers smiled at this but Nick secretly cried on the inside. He honestly did not want to do this. He just wanted to go home, put on a movie and hide.

Don't get him wrong, he loved performing and creating music but not when he had his off days. "Alright let's go!" Kevin said abruptly standing.

Nick almost whined at the loss of warmth by his side but managed to choke it down.


Joe stopped walking and looked at nick. "Nick come on, you can't just say 'no'"

"Well I just did" Nick sassed back.

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