Car Sick.

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A pain-filled cramp shot through Joe's stomach causing him to double over. He securely wrapped his arms around his stomach and gritted his teeth.

You'd think that because he was a full-grown man, he wouldn't get car sick anymore but obviously, this wasn't the case.

Currently, all three of the boys were crammed into a car with some of their belongings because something went wrong with their tour bus.

They only had to be in the car for a day but for Joe, it was a day too long because he had a history of getting supercar sick.

With a huff of annoyance from Joe, he turned and tried to occupy his mind.

None of them were driving, no. It was some dude named Dave and Kevin was in the passenger seat.

Both nick and Joe sat in the back with Joe sitting behind Dave and Nick behind Kevin.

Another wave of cramps hit Joe again but this time he felt himself get sweaty and even more annoyed.

The pain seemed to linger but kinda dissipated while Joe continuously swallowed some spit that kept coming up.

It was disgusting he knew, but it was only a matter of time before it just wasn't spit coming up.

Suddenly pain shot through him like there was a knife in his stomach but an imaginary force was twisting it.

Joe gasped and sucked in a huge breath when everything got dizzy.

"Joe are you ok?" Nick asked, looking over at Joe. Nick saying this caught Kevin's attention so now basically all eyes were on him.

Joe wanted to speak but all that managed to escape his lips was a small whimper.

The pain eased up but only by a smidge. Joe leaned his head back on the seat and tried to focus on his breathing.

"Buddy, are you going to be sick?" Kevin asked this time. Kevin knew about Joe getting car sick but so did Nick.

Joe opened his eyes and looked at Kevin, he wasn't sure if he was or not.

"I don't know," Joe said in a small voice. Kevin eyes him warily but nodded anyway.

Then Joe saw Kevin telling their driver something but he was too quiet for Joe to hear. Joe slipped off his jacket and gave a small smile towards nick who looked worried.

The pain came back full force and if he weren't already sitting he would've been knocked off his feet.

His stomach then thought it would be fun to start doing flips causing Joe to groan. This wasn't going to end well.

A wave hit his abdomen and this time he felt his whole mouth go dry.

His eyes widened with panic but Kevin already seemed to have told the driver to pull over.

Just then Joe felt it coming and there was no swallowing it back down.

The car had barely managed to stop before joe threw his door open and fell out vomiting all over the side of the road.

The force of the vomit rocketed through Joe landing him on his knees, bent into himself.

There was so much and it hurt so bad. Tears sprang into Joe's eyes until he was done, or so he thought.

The second wave hit Joe and this time the tears ran freely down his face. He wanted it to stop, oh god how much he just wanted it to stop.

Just then he felt a pair of hands-on him causing him to whimper and lean into the touch.

The pair of hands helped him not fall into his own mess and he was truly grateful.

He was more than exhausted so now it was taking everything in him not pass out. The pain in his stomach lifted so there was hardly a small pinch of pain.

The only thing that was left behind was the now forming headache and the stench of the vomit.

"Come on, let's get you up and back into the car," Kevin said hoisting Joe up. Joe whined in response but landed in the car nonetheless.

Joe wanted to lay down and sleep off the after-effects of him being sick but it had seemed like no one was letting him.

"Joe we need to change your shirt," Nick said softly shaking his shoulder. Joe stubbornly hit nicks hand away and scrunched his eyes shut.

"Joe come on" Kevin reasoned, Joe sat up and had found nick already grabbed one of his sweatshirts from his bags.

Joe quickly changed and they were off back on the journey in no time.

Nick had let Joe use his lap as a pillow so he could sprawl out. Joe had passed out in seconds so now he was murmuring in his sleep.

Nick went on his phone to keep him entertained when he heard a chuckle come from the front seat.

Nicks's eyebrows scrunched up in confusion, "Kev, why are you laughing?" Nick asked with an amused grin.

"Because Joe is going to hate me when I wake him up to take some medicine" Kevin laughed typing away on his phone.

Nick chuckled before going back down to his phone as well.


"Joe wake up for me!" Kevin said.

Joe stirred around before coming to, giving a small glare towards Kevin.

Kevin chuckled lightly before handing Joe something.

"Medicine?" Joe asked incredulously. Kevin nodded.

"Yup! Because I know that I don't want to see you vomit and I also know, that I don't think you want to vomit either" Kevin said with a cheeky grin.

Joe just shook his head and took the medicine, downing it with some ginger ale.

"Is that all mother?" Joe asked half asleep again.

Kevin looked at nick and the next thing Joe knew he was getting smacked in the back of his head.

"Ow!" Joe exclaimed rubbing the back of his head.

"Don't be smart with me" Kevin said smiling. Joe grumbled something incoherent and went to lay back down.

"Heard that," Kevin said turning back around.

Joe didn't bother looking up "no you didn't".

Kevin shook his head, "yes I did".

"Then what did I say?" Joe asked with a scoff.

"Keep being mean and next time I'll get the vomit all over your shoes" Kevin re-enacted all too well.

Joe rolled his eyes and with a quick 'shut up' curled up on nicks lap falling asleep.

There's nothing like being car sick.

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