Panic Attack

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Fans have always been the main part of the Jonas brothers lives but what happens when some of them just become to much?

The Jonas brothers usually have to hide their identity so they don't get ambushed but other times they don't care.

They throw on a pair of shades and call it good. I mean they are just like any other human beings out in the world.

Well that's what they did this time but what they weren't expecting was to get swarmed with fans.

The brothers were heading out to just have a good time. Maybe to go shopping and eat out, it was going to be good.

The sky was a grey and low rumbles of thunder could be heard here and there but other then that, the air was warm and it was nice outside.

The brothers headed into the nearest restaurant and talked about there newest album. It was awesome and with some good food and the brothers presence everything was great.

The boys finished up with eating and were happy with full stomachs. They walked out laughing because Joe made a smart ass remark to there waiter.

They slipped on there shades again and walked down the side walk. They were mumbling and laughing about what just happened when they heard some people running behind them.

They turned around and saw fans running up to them. They were ok with it at first seeing as there was only a few but that quickly changed.

The group kept increasing by the second and soon there was too many fans. They were surrounded by what seemed like thousands of fans.

The fans kept screaming and kept pushing the brothers apart and they didn't like that.

Soon all three of them were separated by wild fans and they started freaking out. Nick was getting fans thrown at him and he wanted Joe and Kevin.

"JOE!!" Nick screamed. He tried looking everywhere while pushing through fans but couldn't seem to find him nor Kevin.

He started to breath heavier and he just wanted his brothers. "KEVIN!!" He screamed trying.

He was on the verge of a panic attack and everything became a blur. Nick fell to his knees while covering his ears from the screaming fans and tried looking up.

All he could see was what looked like angry people ganging up on him and being to loud. He fell to his side and curled up trying to get oxygen back into his aching lungs.

Just then he heard a voice that he knew and recognized. "NICK!" Someone screamed.

Nick wasn't standing up afraid he would only get pushed down again. Nick started to tear up but didn't want anyone to see him so vulnerable.

He knew he started to shake but then he felt someone drop on there knees beside him. He knew it was Joe right away from his cologne.

Nick in-distinctively curled himself into Joes arms the best he could. "Nick I'm here now, it's ok! Security is going to be here any minute" Joe said.

Nick didn't even nod, he just laid there trying to keep the world from spinning. Joe looked down at Nick and saw how pale he was.

"Nick look at me" Joe said. Nick didn't move, so Joe checked his pulse.

It was faint but there, "Nick come on! I'm gonna need you too breath for me ok?" Joe said.

Nick didn't move still!, Joe started to freak out. Just then he saw Kevin pushing his way through and saw them.

Kevin ran to Nick and Joe dropping down to his knees. "Kevin I don't know what's wrong with Nick!" Joe said over screaming fans.

Kevin hugged Joe and bent down so he could talk to nick. "Nick can you hear me?" Kevin's said. Nick nodded his head and buried his head somehow in Kevin and Joes lap.

They both held him while creating a barrier from the fans. Just then they could hear police cars coming towards them and both drew a sigh of relief.

Many police officers were forcing the fans away and they were listening, so in about 10 minutes there wasn't anymore.

But the boys still sat on the ground holding each other and a shaking nick. "Nick can you sit up?" Kevin asked.

Nick sat up with the help of Kevin and looked at both of his older brothers. Only then did they notice that there legs were soaking wet from nicks tears.

Joes heart broke in half and pulled nick in a hug silently promising himself to never leave him alone again even if it's on pure accident.

Kevin stood up and talked with the police on what happened while Joe stood nick up and got him in there car.

Joe sat in the back meaning Kevin was driving and he didn't mind that. Kevin got in the car and started it up, he looked back and already found Nick and Joe laying on each other fast asleep.

Kevin smiled and reversed the car heading to his house.

Nick seemed to recover from what happened and knew there would already be stories out there saying "Nick Jonas collapses" or "Can Nick Jonas not handle his fans?".

But he pushed through that and hung out with his brothers for awhile. When they went out, they never left him and made sure that if some fans came up that one of them looked and made sure there wasn't any more.

Maybe the two older siblings were being a bit to over protective but all they wanted was to keep seeing a happy, smiling nick rather then a what they saw a couple days ago.

So they would keep doing what they were doing because after all they were each other's best friends.

A/n~ I know I said I was going to update tomorrow but I managed to wake up at three in the morning to write this so give it some love. I'm sorry I haven't been updating but I will get back on it so please stay with me!

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