Stuck and Alone

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A/n~ This one was requested and it's based off of the events that are going on right now (Covid-19) and if this offends anyone I'm truly sorry. Just putting it out there.
With the events and the current situation in the world right now it was not safe for Nick to go outside.

No one knew when they would be able to go outside and escape quarantine but with nick, he had a really high possibility of getting the virus.

He wasn't gonna lie, he was scared so staying inside was the reasonable choice.

His wife Priyanka, was at her parents leaving Nick by himself and his diabetes.

He didn't mind because he knew family was important right now in this type of situation but that meant him quarantining by himself in his own house.

At first it wasn't all bad, he had food and plenty of toiletries. He also had video games and social media to keep him preoccupied with the occasional playing around with Gino (his dog).

But yet he still felt bored and alone. He made sure to keep up on his diabetes but he knew he was slowly sinking and no one was here to keep him afloat.

He ate like he should and still worked out along with playing music. But he still felt tired and angry at everything.

He was running out of food and some necessities but he couldn't go out. So he was freaking out and that leads up into today.

He was pacing back and forth in his kitchen with his hands covering his face. His level was high causing his mood to change from happy to angry real quick.

But today was different because even though he was angry, he really was just sad. He knew that he needed help and was to scared to admit it.

Gino was lying in his dog bed just staring at nick while he did this. He was contemplating whether to call Kevin for help but Kevin also had his family to look after.

So he waited and sat down on the couch, he was getting upset and everything was crashing down on him.

Before he even realized it, he was calling Joe.

There was a couple rings before Joe picked up.

"Joe?!" Nick asked.
"Yeah it's me, what's up nick?" Joe asked just fine.
"I don't know!" Nick cried, he was starting to sob over the phone.

"Wow Nick calm down and breath" Joe said calmly.

Nick didn't calm down, he started to panic even more.

"Joe..I-I'm alone....a-and I'm running out of food and supplies! And my diabetes is screwing up" Nick said crying.

"Ok, it's ok. I'm on my way over Nick" Joe said as nick could hear him already starting up his car.

Nick felt the phone slip from his grasp and land on the floor. He curled into himself begging for everything to be over.

Nick cried while Gino crawled up on the couch and laid his head on the side of nicks legs, as if he knew nick wasn't ok.

Joe pulled into nicks driveway and ran out of the car ripping open the front door.

He was going to call out nicks name but didn't have to when he heard the faint crying.

Joe walked into the living room and almost cried at the scene before him. Nick was a crying mess on the couch, with Gino resting his head on nick as in a reassuring manor.

Joe walked around quickly and knelt down, "hey Nicky, I'm here now" Joe said.

Nick looked up with bloodshot eyes from the crying, along with tear tracks that ran down his puffy face.

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