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Take shelter as the thunder comes,
The ground will rumble and make fierce cries,
Play hide and seek for the storm has eyes,
Take cover and protect the ones you love,
As the earth shakes below never above,
Towers will fall and screams will be heard,
Just close your eyes little one,
For it will all be over,
Like nothing had happened or had even occurred.


The Jonas brothers were off on their world tour
hitting every state they possibly could. Since their reunion, they wanted it to be big so why not give the people what they want.

As of right now the brothers were in California getting ready for a huge show. Now the show was in a couple days so they figured that they would check Cali out and have some fun.

"Let's go to the beach!" Joe yelled.

"Joe we just got settled in the hotel room. Why don't we do something easy and then we can go to the beach tomorrow" Kevin said.

"Yeah I agree with Kev. Why don't we hit up the mall instead? Pri's birthday is coming up and I need to get her presents" Nick agreed.

Joe pouted, "fiiine I guess, but don't forget hats and sunglasses."

The brothers agreed as they really didn't feel like getting ambushed by hundreds of screaming fans.

The three of them got ready excited to explore the state of California. It wasn't every day that they could just wander around a mall in a different state.

So all three of them grabbed their things and walked out unaware of what was being said on the television.

News lady:

As of right now California's Seismologists are warning people to stay indoors due to a approaching earthquake that will take place in the next twenty minute's. The scientists are saying that this earthquake could possibly be the biggest that we have ever seen. Building's will collapse, the water will be dangerous as the levels all rise, and the power will be shut down for precaution. So stay inside, grab your animals, and take cover. May god have mercy on the people of California.


Joe irrupted with contagious laughter, "Hey Kev you want some watches?" Joe mimicked.

"That's not funny Joe, the dude was wacked out and I was trying to be polite about it."

"Oh come on Kevin, lighten up. I was joking but I wasn't the only one who thought the situation was pretty hilarious. Nick here was laughing just as much, weren't you Nicky?"

Nick chuckled, "It was pretty funny Kevin."

Kevin rolled his eyes but found himself letting out a chuckle as well.

They all decided to walk to the mall as it was a gorgeous day, and the mall wasn't that far from their place. But on the way there, some man who was most definitely high as a kite tried to sell Kevin something who then politely tried to decline. But the man was persistent and Kevin was honestly scared for his life.

"Alright well were here, so let's start shopping!" Joe yelled running ahead.

Nick looked over at Kevin and smiled, good old average Joe.

The first place they went, was a shoe store. Nick loved his shoes but today wasn't so much about him but for his wife's birthday. "hey you think she'd like these?" Joe asked holding up a huge boot with glitter splattered on them.

They were ugly. "Uh no Joe. Nice try though" Nick replied.

They stayed looking at the shoes for a bit but Nick was beginning to think maybe shoes weren't the best option to go with. Nothing spoke "Pri".

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