Inner Demons.

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"Nick c'mon!" Joe yelled.

Nick looked up and nodded but didn't say anything. Instead he looked down at his feet and contemplated trying to find a way to get out of their concert.

He came up empty. It wasn't that he didn't want to perform, because he really, truly wanted to for the fans but he just couldn't.

Nick sniffled and looked at himself in the mirror.

"You look like shit"

"You really think the color orange looks good on you?! And that suit looks absolutely hideous"

Nick turned away from the mirror and tried to shut off his protruding thoughts.

He had to get his head in the game or he was going to lose it tonight and that would not be good.

"Nick buddy, were on in five let's go" Kevin said this time.

See Kevin looked good in his purple suit, he pulled it off really well but nick just looked like he picked a random color and failed miserably to look good in it.

"Ok, I'm coming. I just had to make sure my blood pressure was ok" nick said lying straight through his teeth.

Kevin nodded and together him and nick walked out to there spots.

They each walked on to there stage props and waited for the lights to go down.

"You're going to fuck this up just like you did when you decided to end the band"

"No 'm not" nick said out loud not meaning too.

"What's wrong?" Joe asked confused. Nick blushed with embarrassment but was thankfully cut off by the lights going out.

Nick huffed and shook his hands out.

Just then, the music to Rollercoaster started to play and the concert began.

Everything was going fairly well for nick, he laughed with his brothers and sang his heart out. But he walked to the edge of the stage and made the mistake of reading a sign that had caught his attention.

Nick felt his heart drop and everything fade away to pitch blackness.

The sign had read 'Nick your voice sounds like someone is strangling you'.

Nicks breathing had picked up and then everything came into view again. But this time he stopped singing and just read the signs.

It was like his brain was only picking out the ones that it knew could hurt him. There were signs everywhere saying 'Joe and Kevin are the better brothers' and even one that had said 'Nicks lucky he has Joe to cover up for him'.

Suddenly nicks suit was too tight and he couldn't breath. Nick tried pulling the collar of the suit out but it was no use.

Nick stepped back and looked around for anything or anyone to help him.

"Your such a baby! You can't even handle some stupid signs. Joe and Kevin want you gone"

That was the last straw for nick and he snapped.

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