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Their age is different and yes I know they are not the same difference in years, just bare with me.

Kevin: 19


"So I'm thinking of a horror movie tonight?" Kevin said flopping down on the couch.

All three of the brothers were now sat on the couch staring at the blank television.

Both of there parents were out doing who knows what, so Kevin and Joe were both asked to watch nick.

Nick sat at one end buried into Joe's side while Kevin was sitting comfortably on the other side of Joe.

"Yeah! Why don't we watch IT?" Joe suggested wiggling his eyebrows.

Kevin thought for a minute before nodding "ok" he said.

Nick stayed silent knowing that he absolutely hated clowns. But he was practically a teenager and he wasn't going to be a baby, so he stayed silent and started watching the now started film.

All through the film nick had to hold back yelps of fear and tried to control his shaking limbs.

But it got to the point where Nick just buried his head into Joe's side and pretended to fall asleep even though he knew for a fact he wouldn't be able too.

After what felt like a century the movie had ended and nick was more than ready to just go to bed.

So leaving the warm spot from joes side he sat up and "pretended" to rub his eyes like he was tired.

"You tired already nick?" Kevin asked.

Nick just nodded and stood up not really focused on his brothers but on the clown that would haunt his dreams.

"Ok well, goodnight! We love you!" Kevin said and with that nick rushed up the stairs muttering about how much of a baby he was being.

It was a stupid clown and he just needs to grow up.

Simple. He will get ready for bed and pass out like he always does. So with a boost of confidence, the youngest Jonas got ready for bed and laid down.

Not even a few minutes after Nick's head hit his soft, fluffy pillow he was out like a light.


"Did nick look ok to you?" Kevin asked Joe who was seemingly occupied with a bowl of popcorn.

Joe shrugged, "he looked alright to me, just tired".

Kevin nodded his head and tried to convince himself that, that was all it was and he was just simply overreacting.

But something still nagged in the back of Kevin's head and he couldn't quite put a finger on it.

"You staying out here watching some TV still?"

Joe shook his head and let out a yawn, causing Kevin's overbearing older brother mode to silently 'aww'.

"All right then, well I'm going to get some shut-eye and I think it's time for you too," Kevin said standing up, offering joe a hand.

Joe grabbed it and stood up, "you act too much like a mother sometimes," Joe said snickering.

Kevin snorted, rolling his eyes before softly smacking the back of Joe's head earning him a soft whine.

Both of them made it up the stairs and into their bedrooms after saying goodnight when Kevin felt the urge to check on nick.

He just had an uncomfortable feeling that nick wasn't ok, and he had an itching feeling that it was because of the movie they had put on.

So Kevin padded down the hallway and softly pushed open nicks door finding nick curled up fast asleep.

Kevin smiled at this and sighed, 'he's growing up to fast' and with that walked back to his own bedroom shutting off the lights.


A blood-curdling scream echoed throughout the Jonas house waking up the two brothers.

Kevin shot up and sprinted to where the scream was coming from, nicks room.

Joe on the other hand tried to get out of his bed but was wrapped up in his blankets so, in the end, he ended up falling and face planting.

Kevin shot into nicks room with Joe trailing behind rubbing his nose, to find nick pressed up against his headboard shaking.

"Nick, what happened? Are you ok?"

Nick just shut his eyes tightly and wept. Clearly, he was not ok, so Kevin walked over to nick and pulled him into him.

"What's wrong buddy?" Kevin tried again.

Nick had his head resting on Kevin's collarbone and cried before giving up an answer.

He would come to hate this in the morning for being such a baby but for now, he didn't care at all. He just sought comfort from his brothers.

"Th-the..c-clown" nick whimpered out trying to smash himself into Kevin even more.

Joe quickly looked around and found nothing.

"Was it a dream?" Kevin softly asked. Nick shook his head, "no! He was in my room!" Nick cried out.

Kevin looked up at Joe but Joe shook his head, he didn't find anything nor any sign of someone breaking and entering.

"Ok, we will get this sorted out but Nick you need to calm down buddy or your blood pressure is going to go through the roof"

Nick cried some more but then came to only a couple of light sniffles.

"Nick I think you had a night terror," Joe said still standing in the middle of nicks room.

"But the clown was right there?!" Nick cried out pointing to where Joe was standing.

"Nick, was it the same clown from the movie we watched?" Kevin asked gently.

Nick nodded his head frantically in hopes that Kevin would understand that it wasn't a dream.

" was a dream. I swear to you that there is no clown in your room".

Nick sniffled and calmed down still trying to convince himself that it was a dream.

Then a huge yawn escaped his lips and nick rubbed at his now puffy, tired eyes causing the two brothers to coo.

" about you come to lay with me tonight?" Kevin asked nick.

Nick sat there and thought about it. He really wanted to because he was still petrified from his dream but he also didn't want to seem like a baby.

After another second of thought, nick decided he would deal with the embarrassment tomorrow and nodded.


Kevin stood up taking nicks hand and walked over to Joe, who was about to pass out.

"Goodnight little dude" joe said hugging nick and giving him a quick peck to the cheek.

Kevin said goodnight to Joe again and walked back into his room.

Nick let go of his hand and jumped into his bed before wrapping himself in the covers. "You good?" Kevin asked.

Nick nodded and gave Kevin a small smile. With Kevin now in bed and the lights turned off, he could already hear the soft snores coming from nick.

So Kevin rolled over and fell asleep happy to know that Nick felt safe once again, and with the final thought to never have nick watch a horror movie right before bed.

There ya have it! I hoped you like it, I want to say thank you for the reminders to update and I love you all so freaking much! Xx

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