Sick-Part 2

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This was requested and she gave me the idea so shoutout to @Bouncerokoas for this!! I hope I don't let you down Xx
One of the worst things about having a sibling that is sick, is that the other siblings have a really high chance of catching what the other had.

Joe got sick bad but as you can remember, Nick and Kevin were around him non-stop and were exposed to the bacteria.

So you can only imagine that once Joe got to feeling better the other two went down and that's exactly how it happened.

Joe got better and was up and running around again. So Kevin and Nick were happy for him.


Kevin slapped his hand on his bed trying to find his phone. He didn't feel well at all and the stupid alarm noise wasn't helping.

It got so annoying Kevin sat up and practically flipped the bed looking for his phone. He realized though that his phone wasn't with him.

Kevin looked and tried to follow where the noise was coming from. So Kevin quietly walked and followed the noise into nicks room.

Why was his phone in nicks room? He thought to himself.

Kevin shrugged and found his phone laying next to a passed out Nick. Kevin smiled and shut off his alarms before walking out of his room.

Kevin felt horrible but he wasn't going to say anything because he hated when people cared about him. He thought it should be the other way around.

Kevin walked down the steps of the house, the boys were at now and took some medicine. He had a killer headache and he couldn't smell.

That's awesome though right?, being able to smell in one nostril and then the other being clogged.

Just then Kevin heard feet quickly walking down the steps. Kevin waited until he heard them come into the kitchen to find Joe.

"Good morning" Kevin said sipping his coffee.

"Good morning Kev" Joe said grabbing a cup himself. Joe turned around smiling "hey do you want to go do something today?" Joe asked.

Kevin felt bad "actually I was just gonna stay in today, I have a headache" Kevin explained.

Joe nodded "ok" he simply said looking at the now fascinating cupboards.

"Joe I know that look, what's the matter?" Kevin asked. Joe looked at Kevin before shrugging.

"Joe?" Kevin tried again. "I still feel bad about me getting sick and you guys having to deal with it" Joe said fidgeting.

Kevin smirked "Joe it's ok, your acting like your asking a girl on a date" Kevin said chuckling.

Joe smiled and took a big pull from his coffee. "Joe I don't think you need anymore caffeine" Kevin said.

Joe looked at Kevin incredulous "thanks for telling me dad." Joe said.

Kevin laughed and shook his head. "Hey do you know why Nick had my phone?" Kevin asked.

Joe pursed his lips "no, other then he was up all night and his phone died, causing him to grab yours while his charged" Joe said.

Kevin nodded "that's probably it" he said.

Kevin looked at the clock that read 11:00am.
"You want to help me wake nick up, sense he decided to stay up all night" Kevin asked smirking.

Joe looked up from his daydreaming "yeah! Let's go." He said already walking up the stairs.

Joe did his usual and skipped steps at a time before making it to the top.

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