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Joe never really got sick, but when he did he went down fast and hard. Nick was usually the one who got sick and occasionally Kevin did too. But Joe was different when it came to common colds or what not.

Joe came home late one night from a night out with some of his friends and felt extremely exhausted. He didn't think anything of it though seeing as it was almost midnight and that was common.

So when he got back to the hotel, he and his brothers were staying at for the time being, he collapsed on his bed not even bothering with his shoes and changing his clothes. He shut his eyes and was out like a light.
Joe woke up in the middle of the night though with a pounding headache, a stomach ache, and his body feeling like a bag of bricks.

He couldn't even roll over to see the alarm clock to see what time it was. But that quickly changed when he felt another pain shoot across his stomach and stayed there. As if someone just kept stabbing him in the stomach.

He felt tears prick his eyes and he shot up running for the bathroom. He barley managed to make it before collapsing on his knees and throwing everything up he ate in the last 24 hours.

Just as he thought he was done more came up causing him to start crying from the pain of it all. He was cold but was sweating profusely and his body couldn't take anymore throwing up.

Just then he heard someone was up and groaned. As much as he didn't want to admit it, he really wanted his brothers right about now.

As if on cue, Kevin walked in looking at the mess before him.

"I'm sorry" Joe said whispering for the sake of his pounding headache. Kevin was about to say something when Joe turned around and violently threw up once again.

He felt Kevin rubb his back for a few minutes before disappearing. Then after a couple of seconds felt a cool washcloth on the back of his neck.

Joe sighed into it, grateful that he had brothers who knew exactly what to do. After a bit of waiting Joe finally could rest up against the wall and relax.

He didn't know where Kevin ran off too and if Nick was still asleep then, he would let him sleep.

So Joe let his heavy eyes rest for a couple minutes, or that's at least what he told himself. But he ended up passing out on the bathroom floor.

Meanwhile, Kevin had heard Nick get up and went to tell him that Joe was sick. So Nick was getting ready to go out and grab some stuff that they would need to help Joe through this.

They were working on there documentary "Chasing Happiness" and that's why they were at a hotel but now they would have to stay longer.

They didn't blame Joe, it wasn't his fault but Joe was the type to jump to conclusions and say everything was his fault even if it wasn't.

So Nick, got ready and left in search of stuff that will help Joe out. Kevin got Joe some different more comfortable clothes out and then walked back into the bathroom.

Kevin's heart started beating faster as he ran to a passed out Joe who was slumped against the wall.

Kevin kneeled down and began to shake his shoulder "Joe? Joe! Come on buddy wake up" Kevin said.

Joe started to wake up looking around "w-why..wh-what's wrong?" He asked trying to sit up.

Kevin helped him sit up "you passed out on the wall" Kevin told him.

Joe nodded his head, his eyes were blood shot and red from the vomiting and his hair was a mess.

"Come on, Joey lets get you changed and back into bed" Kevin said trying to attempt lifting Joe up off the ground.

Luckily though, Nick was back and came walking in stopping for a minute at the state Joe was in.

Nick grabbed one side while Kevin had the other and together they helped Joe back to his bed.

Joe slumped on his bed and began to slide down to the floor when Kevin grabbed him and put him back up.

Nick helped Joe change into some sweats and a t-shirt and slowly moved him till he was laid down and tucked underneath his covers.

Kevin ran to grab his washcloth while Nick laid by Joe and messed with his hair. Kevin ran back in and put the cool washcloth on his forehead and not a second later Joe was fast asleep.

Nick and Kevin stayed up though. It was around 5ish in the morning now meaning they have all been up sense 3:00am.

Nick closed the blinds and curtains making it still dark in the room. They didn't turn on any lights in case Joe woke up but instead they sat by him and continuously checked on him.
"O-Ow" Joe mumbled in his sleep. Nick and Kevin sat up right away. They knew what was about to happen but Kevin couldn't get up fast enough.

Joe shot up almost head butting Nick in the process and started to throw up all over the bed and in his lap.

Kevin rushed back in with the bucket but it was already to late, the deed was done. Nick wanted to cry because he felt so bad for Joe but instead he went to the bags on the floor and grabbed out some ibuprofen and some pepto bismol.

Kevin on the other hand rubbed Joes back until he was finished and got him out another change of clothes.

This time it was a pair of sweatpants but with a long sleeve shirt. Joe was crying because he was in so much pain and also he felt super bad about everything.

Kevin balled up the blanket and carefully pulled Joe out of bed. "Here Joe why don't you step in the shower for a minute and rinse yourself off" Kevin suggested.

Joe nodded and walked into the bathroom stripping off his clothes and stepping into the nice warm water.

He rinsed of his body and even managed to wash his hair but after that he stepped out and put his clothes on.

He walked out and could feel the bags under his eyes. The room didn't smell like vomit anymore and the room was cleaned up.

Joe just stared at the now cleaned up room. He really owed his brothers for this one and the fact that there documentary was going to be put off for a couple days now.

He felt tears prick his eyes, he hated that he had to get sick now. Kevin walked in with nick and they looked at Joe with Sympathy lacing there features.

"You can sleep in my bed" Nick said. Joe shook his head no but stopped when he saw Kevin's stern look on his face.

Joe walked over to Nicks bed and crawled underneath. Nick and Kevin came over and sat on either side of Joe with something in there hands.

Kevin reached over with the pills and medicine while nick had the ginger ale and some crackers. Joe took the drink and downed the pills before grabbing a couple of crackers and started to nibble on them.

He felt tired again and the two brothers could see that.

"Joe lay down bud" Kevin said. Joe took another sip of the ginger ale and laid back down feeling his eyes close.

"I owe you guys big time" Joe mumbled.

But before he slipped into unconsciousness he heard Nick mumble something.

"No you don't because we're brothers, and we would do it again to make sure that your ok".

A/n~ There it is!! A cute brotherly sick fic! I hope you enjoyed and if you want like a second part to any of them just say so in the comments! So on that note,

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~love your JoBro fan

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