The Crash

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A/n~ This one is really sad so grab a box of tissues and get settled in 🤧😭

Today, September 16, 2018 at exactly 6:00pm was the day everything changed for the Jonas brothers and it would for the rest of there lives.

It was a rainy cloudy day and the brothers were driving to a bar near by where they just got done performing to celebrate Nicks birthday.

Kevin was driving with Joe sitting in the passenger seat while Nick sat in the back right in the middle. They were talking and laughing while Joe was being his laughable self.

"Yeah but did you see that one girl in the back? She was jerking her body so much I thought she would break her spine right there and then" Nick said causing Kevin and Joe to laugh.

"No I didn't but I could only imagine" Joe said and with that started re-enacting what nick described.

Kevin and Nick were laughing so hard they were in tears while Joe kept being himself. Joe was always the life of the party.

Kevin looked up through the windshield and saw how the sky was turning darker by the minute.

"I hope this weather doesn't turn bad" Kevin said looking back at the road. Joe and Nick agreed while continuing with there conversation about the fans.

Kevin was happy and he could tell Joe and nick were as well. They were all getting along and having the best time of there lives just being brothers.

A few minutes later Kevin got drawn into the conversation and somehow later, there very own music was blasting in the car.

Kevin was dancing the best he could while he drove, Joe was moving his body and doing stupid moves causing both nick and Kevin to laugh once again, While Nick did air guitar moves.

All three of them, a team again. While the music blasted and the boys laughing and having fun, they didn't realize the semi truck come barreling at them and had no intention of stopping.

Kevin saw the semi coming at them but he was too late. He tried stopping or letting Joe and Nick know to duck but everything happened to quick.

The Semi crashed into the passenger side of the car causing a huge noise to erupt and pieces go flying.

On part with the collision Kevin hit his head on the window knocking him out cold, Nick being thrown to the other side of the vehicle and Joe..Well Joe got the brunt of the hit.

Everything was silent and still, All nick could hear was ringing in both of his ears and his frantic heartbeat.

He slowly sat up the best he could blinking slowly to regain his vision. It took a few seconds for everything to kick in on what just happened but when it did, it nearly broke nick in half.

"Kev...Kevin" nick said trying to be loud but was failing. Nick looked at his brothers the best he could, Kevin was laying on his window with blood traveling down his face while Joe was a crumbled mess with blood oozing from cuts and a big head wound.

The sight before nick caused him to start crying , "Kevin please wake up, I need you" he said shaking Kevin's shoulder to the best of his ability.

Kevin then shook awake taking in the view of the mess before reaching around and touching nicks face.

"Nick are you ok?" Kevin asked frantically, Nick just nodded his head before pointing at Joe not knowing what to say.

Kevin felt his heart stop, This couldn't be happening. He felt the urge to start crying but he couldn't do that in front of nick.

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