The Job of being the older brother

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Kevin Paul Jonas, the oldest of the Jonas clan. The one who sticks by his brothers side and helps them with whatever they need. Even if that means staying up all night with them.

Kevin has been known for his guitar playing, flipping and spinning on stage, and the family man.

He has two daughters and a lovely wife who lives in a beautiful home. Kevin would do anything for them, just as he would with his younger brothers.

But as much as Kevin tried to play cool and play the role of the older sibling some things just get to overwhelming.

For Kevin, it was his undying wish to make everyone happy and please everyone. He didn't like to see his brothers hurt or make his parents upset.

But what happens when it all becomes to much? Who does he have to turn too?.

"Kev! Kevin!" Nick called out. Kevin shot his head around and re-focused from his day dreaming.

"Yeah Nicky" Kevin said smiling apologetically. They were all seated at the Jonas house having dinner together celebrating the end of the Happiness begins tour.

Nick looked around and found know one listening so he leaned over "are you ok?" He asked.

Kevin shrugged "yeah I'm just tired thats all" he said. Honestly he wasn't lying, he was tired and tired of letting everybody down including himself.

Nick nodded and didn't push the conversation further. Kevin then pushed his food around and leaned back in his chair trying to get in on the conversation.

"So I was thinking of having another tour soon" There dad said.

Kevin's eyes went wide, they just got done with one! At least give them a couple months to spend time with there family!.

But he didn't say that out loud. Joe of coarse was upset though and Kevin didn't like seeing him upset or Nicky.

"Ok yeah, but we just got done with one. At least give us a couple months" Joe argued. Nick just sat there staring at his plate.

Kevin knew how much nick needed a break even if nick didn't show it.

Kevin heard his dad say something and realized that set Joe off. Joe was now upset and yelling while waving his hands around.

Nick just watched not really knowing what to do. But Kevin.. oh Kevin was getting angry.

He hated the arguing. He hated that Joe was upset and nick was just sitting there. He hated the fact they he couldn't stop it and the fact that he always was supposed to fix everything.

It was just getting to overwhelming! "Just STOP!!" Kevin yelled standing up. His breathing was heavy and everyone was staring at him now shocked.

He had enough, he blinked tears from his eyes before he said "Just stop" he whispered. He rubbed his head and walked away.

He went up to his guest room at the house and closed the door. He didn't want to deal with them right now.

He needed to get his head straight and if that meant staying up here until it was time to leave then so be it.

Kevin laid down on his bed curling into himself. He loves everyone dearly, and he missed his family back at home.

He missed his daughters and most of all his wife. He could just leave but that wouldn't be fair to his younger brothers.

Just then a knock sounded at his door. "Come in" he said softly.

Both nick and joe walked in closing the door. "Kev are you ok?" Nick asked. Kevin didn't know, was he?

Was he ok with finally giving up on the whole older brother thing, after so many years? He nodded his head but Joe looked past that.

"No your not" he said sitting down besides Kevin. Nick came over just then and sat next to Joe.

"I'm sorry Kevin, I shouldn't of freaked out like I did. I just wasn't expecting him to want another tour so soon. I wanted to spend time with Sophie and some of our friends" Joe explained.

Kevin nodded in understanding "I understand Joe. I was actually angry about the whole subject too but I didn't want to say anything and then you went off and well it set me off" Kevin said.

Joe nodded and laid his head on Kevin shoulder sighing. "I know Kev, Im sorry" was all he said.

"Nick have you checked your levels?" Kevin blurted out, out of habit. Some things never do change.

Nick shook his head getting up and grabbed his kit. He pricked his finger and after a couple seconds it read a little under what it was supposed to be but Kevin got that handled.

He stood up from a pouting nick and grabbed a candy bar and handed it to him. He took it and quickly ate it before flopping down on Kevin's bed.

After a couple minutes of joe and Kevin quietly talking they heard the soft snores that came from nick letting them know he was asleep.

Joe laid the blanket over nick before sitting in front of Kevin.

"Talk to me. I know your not fine so spill. Spill. The. Tea" he said. Kevin smiled and shook his head. Leave it to Joe to say something like that.

Kevin looked down at his hands "I'm fine, I just miss my family at home. I just get to overwhelmed with trying to help with everything and make sure everyone's happy it gets exhausting" he explained.

"I just also sometimes forget about me, and I'm not trying to sound conceded or anything but I forget to make sure I'm happy" Kevin said.

While Kevin said this Joe sat and listened. "Kevin I know your the older brother so you feel like you have to make everything or everyone ok but you don't" Joe said.

"You have a family that you need to worry about not me or nick anymore" Joe said shaking his head. "I'm grateful to know you will always be there for me and for nick, and I love you for that but you need to worry about yourself more then anything" Joe explains.

Kevin nodded because Joe had a point. He did need to let go some and worry about himself and his own family. Just then Joe stood up and patted Kevin the shoulder before pulling him into a hug.

Kevin laughed and softly shoved Joe. Joe laughed and sighed.

"I love you man" Joe said lying down next to a sleeping nick. Nick mumbled something and rolled over. Joe laughed and Kevin went to the bathroom really fast.

Sometimes all you need is someone to listen to you and give advice. Kevin got done and walked back in shutting the door.

He was about to make a smart ass remark to Joe but found Joe asleep bundled up with a sleeping Nick. They looked just like they did when they were younger.

Kevin smiled and snapped a picture before turning off the light. Maybe three grown men were about sleep in the same bed but sometimes you just needed the comfort of your brothers.

Kevin crawled in and made sure Joe and Nick were still covered up before closing his eyes.

He fell fast asleep with one final thought.

He wouldn't trade being there older brother for the world, and that would never change.

A/n~ Thanks for reading!! This was a Kevin appreciation post! I was watching married to a Jonas and he actually felt this way so there you go!!

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             ~JoBro fan

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