The Easter Disaster

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A/n~ The age is different in the this one so here are there ages. Kevin: 22, Joe: 20, Nick: 17
Nick was sleeping peacefully in his bed before he was rudely jumped on.

"Nickyyyyy, time to get up" Joe said drawing out his name.

Nick grumbled and rolled over onto his stomach, sliding his head underneath the blanket.

So Joe slid up until he was lying on his side right next to Nick. Nick was back to sleep but Joe started to poke him in his side.

"Why are you here so early?" Nick grumbled. Joe pretended to be hurt "because I live pretty far and I wanted to see you before everyone else got here" Joe explained.

Nick mumbled something but quickly grew quiet.

Joe snuggled into Nick causing Nick to push Joe.

"What?! Come on, you used to share a bed with me all the time!"Joe said exaggerating.

Nick started grinning, "oh ok, I see how it is" Joe said smiling.

Before Nick could move, Joe started tickling him causing Nick to laugh and try to squirm away.

Nick was laughing hard until he couldn't breath "J-Joe I can't breath" he said through laughter.

Joe stopped so his little brother could breath but said "this isn't over" and stood up.

Nick sighed and rolled over wide awake.

"Happy Easter, Nick" Joe said before stepping out of his bedroom.

Nick got up and got changed into some Jeans and a t-shirt, the common wear.

He heard someone ring the doorbell and was walking downstairs to find the new married couple Kevin and Danielle.

He smiled and stood there knowing that it was about to get very loud.

"Kevin!!, Dani!!!" Denise yelled. Nick scrunched up his face because of the yelling and saw Joe looking at him.

Nick smiled and watched Joe mouth to him, "come in the other room". So Nick slipped down the stairs and walked into the kitchen with Joe.

Joe laughed "how did I know it was going to get loud" he said. Nick chuckled "I saw it coming as well".

Joe grinned, "yeah, why do you think I got the both of us out of the room?" He said.

Nick laughed, "thanks Joe".

Just then the both of them heard heard footsteps heading into the kitchen.

"Quick nick go through the other door into the living room" Joe said shoving nick out of the kitchen.

The both of them were laughing and ended in the living room right as the rest of the family entered the kitchen.

"That was close" Nick said out of breath. Joe shrugged "maybe" he grinned.

"Dance battle?" Joe asked standing in front of nick.

Nick rolled his eyes, "really? Your how old and still want to do the dance battles?" Nick teased.

Joe jutted our his bottom lip before nick chuckled.

"I'm kidding, come on" Nick said. Joe fist pumped the air and got ready.

Nick mean while got "It's Tricky" by Run-D.M.C playing.

Right as the music started playing the both of them started dancing. They had there own parts but eventually they grew together.

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