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Today was the start of the boys first tour and they were so excited.

Nick was super excited but still on the little uneasy side because he was still getting over the fact that he had type one diabetes but non-the-less ecstatic.

Joe was bouncing off the walls of the bus, instead of putting his things up and was screaming "Were going on tour!!" As loud as he could.

Kevin though, was putting his things in his bunk with a mild headache but it seemed to be getting worse by the second.

He stayed by his bunk because Joe was being...well Joe.

He sighed and walked out into the main living area of the bus and saw everyone was ready to go.

Nick was sitting on the couch watching a movie whilst Joe was looking through everything.

Kevin shook his head at Joe when he felt someone touch his hand. Kevin looked down and saw nick patting the couch seat right next to him.

Kevin took a deep breath and sat down next to nick.

"Can you believe that mom and dad are actually trusting us to be on this thing by ourselves?!" Joe asked amazed.

Kevin looked over at Joe, "yeah I do, I mean there following right behind us and they also wanted some "alone time" with each other" Kevin said grinning.

Joe pretended to throw up "ew Kevin! Thinks for thought that just went through my head" Joe said sarcastically.

Kevin looked at nick who was still engrossed in the movie. Kevin's headache wasn't getting any better and it started to really hurt like a bitch.

"Joe can you get me some ibuprofen" Kevin muttered. Joes head shot up and nodded "thanks" was all Kevin said.

Joe came back with the bottle and Kevin downed two tablets with some water.

"What's wrong?" Nick asked now looking up towards Kevin.

"Oh uh..nothing just some growing pains" Kevin said. He didn't want nick to find out because nick would start babying him and it was supposed to be the other way around.

"So what are we going to do?" Joe asked bored and fidgety.

Kevin sighed "well I am going try and get a nap in before we stop for dinner" Kevin said standing up and walking to his bunk.

"What about me?!" Joe asked yelling across the bus.

Kevin stopped and turned around "I don't know, go on your phone or something. Finish the movie with nick" Kevin suggested.

Joe pouted but Kevin was in to much pain to care at the moment.

So Kevin laid down in his dark bunk and already felt a difference in his head.

Kevin got comfortable and was almost asleep when he felt someone shaking him.

"What?" Kevin mumbled with his eyes still closed.

"Can I lay in here with you? Joe fell asleep on the couch" nick said.

"What is wrong with your bunk?" Kevin asked.

"Nothing" Nick said and with that left Kevin's bunk.

Though Kevin was trying to go to sleep he still needed to be there for his younger siblings, so with a sigh Kevin rolled over and climbed out of his bunk.

Kevin Walked out and found Joe passed out on the couch in a ball just like nick said.

So Kevin shut the blinds on the bus and made it fairly dark, he also grabbed a fuzzy blanket and covered Joe up with it.

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