Not My Fault.

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Tonight was the night of this biggest show yet! The three boys were excited and nothing could bring them down... or so they thought.

Each of them were getting ready; Kevin was talking with his girlfriend, Joe was jumping around and doing push ups, while nick was trying to stay out of his head and rattle the discomfort in his stomach.

It wasn't like nick was going to throw up, he just had a really weird feeling about tonight and it wasn't good at all.

"Show starts in 3!!" Someone called out.

Nick looked over his shoulder and saw Kevin walking towards him.

"You ready?" Kevin asked. Nick smiled forgetting about his dilemma.

"Yea of course, you?"

"Ah you know me nick, I'm just going to make sure Joe doesn't get himself hurt" Kevin laughed.

Nick laughed too but the both of them were ushered out of there dressing rooms by stage crew along with a loud ranting Joe.

Joe was still ranting, flinging his arms about when the show started but it wasn't a little music couldn't fix.

"Please welcome THE JONAS BROTHERS!!"

Screams filled the arena as the brothers leaped out on stage.

For the rest of the night, everyone was screaming lyrics and was having a blast.

The brothers were drenched in sweat but they weren't about to quit moving. As the second to last song came on that's when everything went down hill.

The brothers split up like the usually do and nick went one way while the other two went the other.

Nick saw fans reaching out to him so with a smile, he reached down to touch their hands when he made eye contact with a tall, broody, stone faced man.

A shudder made its way through nicks body and the bad feeling in his stomach was practically screaming at him.

The man wasn't even singing or trying to fit in.

Nick immediately retracted his hand and continued to sing but very hastily walked away with the image of the man in his mind.

The last song was up and nick just grew even more scared.

So for the very last song nick found himself hiding behind his older brothers and stayed that way until they got off stage.

Kevin and joe were wiping themselves off with a towel while nick held himself. Something wasn't sitting right with him and it wasn't ok.

"Hey nick, what wrong?" Joe asked walking up to him.

Nick looked at Joe and shrugged.

"There's obviously something wrong, you were hiding behind me and kev towards the end of the concert" Joe said with an eyebrow raised.

Nick didn't know what to say, was he really that obvious?.

"Nothings wrong, I'm just tired that's all" nick said walking away. He didn't need to tell them about his over wild imagination.

So with a huff, nick walked back to his dressing room and began to change.

After slipping on some comfortable clothes and a glass of water, nick felt ok. He had finally convinced himself that, the man was probably just some kids dad that didn't want to be there.

Nick put his stuff in his carry on bag and walked out, going to find Joe and Kevin.

"Hey good job nick!!" A member of the stage crew said walking past.

Nick said a quick thanks and threw them a smile before continuing his search. For some reason, nick felt the need to run.

Just as nick was about to go into Joe's changing room he abruptly got pulled back.

As nick began to scream, a rather large hand clamped over his mouth muffling his cries.

Then, a hot and fowl smelling breath fanned across his ear, "say or try to do anything and your brothers will be gone before you even get a word out".

Nick started to silently cry but nodded not wanting to make whoever the person was mad.

"We're going to take a little trip and you are going to cooperate or else"

Sobs wracked nicks little frame as he was pressed up against the dirty, smelly man.

Nick followed soundlessly, and eventually found himself outside heading towards a car.

Had no one seen him?, nah everyone was going home or already at home. Just then, nick felt a strong twist to his arm and sharp pain spread through his head.

His vision blurred and before he knew it, he was collapsing and blacked out.



Nick shot up and silently cursed. His head was throbbing and everything hurt. Plus there seemed to be dust in his eyes or something.

As nick went to rub his eyes, he hissed in pain. Both of his hands were tied behind him and the rope was cutting into his frail skin.

"You deserve this! You deserve all of this!! I'm going to get justice for my daughter and you lousing little shit, are going to sit here and take it!!" The man spit.

Nicks lips trembled as he saw that the man was the same man from the concert.

"Who are you?!" Nick cried out his throat raspy  from crying.

The man just smiled and showed his rotting teeth.

"I'm the people your parents tell you to be afraid of little boy" the man said smiling sickeningly.

Nick bit his lip to try and hold back tears as he took in his surroundings. Everything was dark besides a small light bulb, and everything was cold, wet, and made of wood or concrete.

He was in a basement, that he knew.

"Why me? What did I do?" Nick asked softly.

At this the man laughed, "why not you? You killed someone very dear to me and now your going to pay for it!"

Nick flinched back against the wall he was leaning on and felt coldness seep into his pants.

Nick looked down and saw that he was on the floor and the cold concrete was starting to disrupt his body heat.

"I got some errands to do, I'll be back but when I do your in for a real treat" the man said turning around.

Nick cried and felt tears slip down his face.


The man only laughed as his steps echoed in nicks ears.


Nick could hear the lock on the door clicking shut as more sobs wracked nicks body.

"I WANT TO GO HOME!!" Nick screamed.

Nick stood up with some trouble and tried to kick the door but found himself getting no where.

Nick slid down the door crying and whimpering, exhausted.

"I want my brothers" Nick whispered.

Eventually, nicks cries lessened as he fell into a dreamless sleep.

All that could be heard were his sniffles and water dripping from the rusted out pipes.

There will be a part two!! 
Love you!!!

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