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Nick Jonas was very good when it came to taking care of himself. To make sure he's ready to perform for his fans and to make sure he's ok.

Nick was doing well and for many years he had no problems besides getting used to it. But now the brothers were on there first tour since getting back together and to say it was getting overwhelming was an understatement.

He felt the need to make up for what he did years ago and felt pressured to write music. Sure, he was good at doing that but what he didn't realize was that he was forgetting about his diabetes.

If it felt that his levels were high or low he didn't care and just pushed forward, for his fans and his brothers.

He thought that he could just push past it for the show they were performing tonight but tonight his body couldn't take it anymore.

They were performing at Birmingham and all three of them were excited. Kevin and Joe were talking and laughing about random subjects when suddenly Nick felt horrible.

He didn't want to go grab his kit though because he didn't want his brothers to worry so he just simply walked to the fridge and grabbed a juice.

That should help a little bit, he thought. So he walked back to his brothers and joined back in the conversation like nothing happened.
It was right before the boys performed and nick was getting his guitar ready when he felt the need to sit down.

He looked for his brothers but they were no where to be found. So he just finished getting ready for the show and stood there trying to get himself pulled together.

"Hey you ready?!" Kevin said excited with Joe trailing behind him. Nick smiled and nodded "of coarse! Let's do this!!" He yelled.

Just then all three of them were on the stage singing there hearts out to thousands of fans. Everything was going great until nick started to sweat profusely and started to sway back and forth.

Joe took notice of this and casually but quickly made his way over to him. He knew nick wasn't all right at all because he was deathly pale and looked like he was going to pass out at any second.

So while Kevin did his solo piece, Joe leaned into nick and whispered in his ear "nick you ok?".

Nick just looked up and nodded while blinking multiple times. Joe was really concerned now, "have you checked your levels at all?" He asked.

Nick looked around before shaking his head no. Big brother mode kicked in just then and Joe nodded to himself.

"We're cutting a song short" he stated. Nick looked at him ready to argue when Joe looked sternly at him.

Just then Kevin's part was over and Joe did his singing part. Nick though, got worse and was on the verge of crying but pushed forward for his fans.

After what seemed like hours, the show ended and nick rushed off the stage and made it to there dressing room before collapsing on the couch.

He was in so much pain. Joe then came rushing in with a worried looking Kevin. Joe looked around for something and then went over to nick with his kit.

Nick didn't feel like getting his finger pricked so he folded his hands underneath himself while lying down.

Joe looked at him sadly but got the stick out anyway. "Nicky come on, we have to do this" he said softly.

Nick didn't want to but complied anyway. After a couple of minutes the machine made two beeping noises.

Joe was afraid to look down but soon found himself looking at a number he dreaded, 43.

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