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Night fell upon the city of New York as storm clouds rolled in.

There was a cool breeze in the air that ever so softly swayed the trees, knocking some leaves down.

The air smelled of rain and everything was rather calm. Some car noises could be heard in the distance but the rest was just white noise.

Nick walked down the road that had sprinkles of rain forming on it and was taking all of this in when he got an idea. He was bored, upset, and felt lonely.

So where was a place that made him forget his problems, made him feel a little less lonely, and could carry on some good entertainment?

The bar.

A brilliant idea on his part he thought smugly. After some more walking and absurd thoughts, Nick pushed open a door and made his way through a swarm of bodies.

The air was thick with smoke and the smell of cheap alcohol, unlike the outside that was fresh and crisp.

Bodies grinded against one another, shouts were being thrown, and creepy guys lingered in the corners. Nick was even sure there was a couple drug deals going on but he didn't care.

He wanted a drink, nothing more. So he walked to the bar, found a stool and ordered himself a couple shots with a beer.

Small things but just enough to get a nice buzz. Music played in the background from somewhere as Nick downed his shots.

Girls were already staring, but he didn't pay attention. The sky grew darker as the thunderous clouds took over, the warm breeze turned into a chill, and rain had started to fall upon the city.

But even as all of this happened, one by one Nick kept drinking ignoring his conscience. He felt light headed, his body was buzzing with new found energy and he wanted to dance.

So Nick grabbed his drink and made his way through to the dance floor. It wasn't much but there was enough bodies and loud music that he didn't care.

He laughed with strangers and talked for what seemed like hours, found a couple cute girls to have a twirl with, downed more shots, and proceeded not to take notice of him leaving his phone at the bar.

With a quick excuse of the conversation he was having, he used the restroom while his phone screen kept lighting up with notifications and missed calls.

"Having a good night?"

Nick looked up from washing his hands and blinked a good couple of times. "Uhh- yea?" Nick slurred.

The dude in the bathroom laughed, "I'm glad, just make sure you get home alright ok? I don't want to see Nick Jonas all over the television for getting hurt." And with that the dude left.

Nick pursed his lips in thought. Yea, maybe the dude was right. But where did Nick leave his phone?

Nick stumbled out of the door with the giggles, and walked back to the bar to grab another drink.

"I'll take another shot of whatever" Nick tried saying to the bartender. The bartender looked a bit concerned but handed him another drink anyway.

Just as he lifted it up to his mouth a hand shot out and grabbed it.

"I think you've had enough"

Nick whirled around and looked at who did this unthinkable crime. He was a bit dramatic while drunk.

"Give it back," Nick said with a glare. The stranger just shook his head.

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