It's Not Funny...It is tho.

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"This is pointless, " Nick said throwing his hands up.

"Nick, my dearest brother, it's roller skating. Not tetris or trying to tame a wild monkey, you'll be just fine." Joe said with a sure voice.

Nick stood on the sideline and watched kids from the age of seven and up roller skate by with a breeze.

This wasn't fair. This wasn't his idea to come do this, no it was management and his brothers.

"I'm not doing it. You can't make me, " Nick stated with a huff.

Kevin and Joe took this time to both turn to Nick.

"We just got here and all you're doing is skating with kids for a couple of hours. Before you know it you are going to have a good time." Kevin waving his hand out towards the kids.

"Jonas brothers?"

All three of them turned and found a women holding some skates in her hand. "That's us, " Joe grinned. Always the charmer.

"I have your Skates! Just put these on and you should be good to go. Have fun! And don't forget, don't lock your knees!" The lady said before walking away.

The brothers grabbed their skates and put them on. Nick was pouting at his feet the whole time but sadly, it wasn't doing anything for him.

"Alright, who's ready to skate?!" Kevin yelled excitedly. Joe cheered with him while Nick groaned.

He was going to embarrass himself.

The two older brothers skated onto the rink with ease and began already making laps around the room.

Nick on the other hand was holding onto the side and trying to keep his balance. Keyword trying.

Nick found himself on the floor multiple times and honestly, he was getting frustrated.

"Do you need help?"

Nick turned from where he was laid out on the floor and saw a guy all dressed up in what looked like a lifeguard outfit but instead of swimming it was for roller skating. Helmet, knee pads, and everything.

"No." nick said shortly. The guy could go find some kid to help. Nick was a full-grown man, he didn't need help roller skating.

The guy frowned and bent down to help Nick anyway. Before Nick could protest tho, the guy had already grabbed his arm and yanked him up.

"I don't need your help!" Nick snapped yanking his arm back.

"Listen your not the first adult that doesn't know how to roller skate in here. You're just fine." The guy said gesturing.

Nicks annoyance grew.

"Hey what's going on? Nick you getting arrested already?" Joe said skating over while laughing.

Nick scowled at Joe, "No I'm not getting arrested and even if I was it's because I'm about to beat my older brother!" Nick snapped.

Joe stopped laughing but still held onto his grin. "You're just fine Nick. What's going on?"

"This guy doesn't understand the word 'No'. Do you want me to say it in Spanish? Noh!"

"Nick, he was probably just trying to help. Come on I'll help you." Joe said getting in between the dude and Nick.

Nick didn't feel like skating! He sucked at it and he was done with people for the day.

Nick looked up pouting and saw the guy skating away. Good! deserves him right.

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