The Stage Accident

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The lights flashed and bared down on the brothers. Confetti flew around and landed on Joe who was singing Cake by the Ocean.

Fans screamed bloody murder and screamed the lyrics out to the brothers. But to nick everything seemed hollow.

He was playing the guitar in the back and suddenly felt anything remotely exciting or energizing just drop.

The fans screams became distant and the only thing he could hear was his frantic heartbeat and his fast paced breathing.

He blinked multiple times trying to keep his eyes open but they were shutting and he didn't understand why.

He moved around to make it seem like everything was good but that was a major problem on his part.

Nick looked and saw Kevin and Joe dancing at the other end of the stage. He knew that he couldn't make it to them, but he was going to try.

He put his guitar down and started to walk over to them when his vision blinked out and he fell.

He woke up seconds later on the stage floor shaking. He looked up and saw that no one had realized that he fell.

But then he also realized that he fell behind one of the stage props so no one had saw him.

He sighed a breath of relief and started to get his aching, shaking body up from the floor.

He stood up and practically ran to his brothers when he heard thousands of gasps including his brothers.

They all ran to him right away cutting off the music.

Oh no! What's wrong?, he thought to himself.

At that moment though, he felt something wet and warm trickle down his face all the way under his eye and to his chin.

He brought his shaking hand to his forehead and brought it back down. He gasped when he saw the dark red liquid covering his hand.

"Nick what happened?!" Joe asked taking off his over coat right away.

Nick looked at the fans who were just staring while some were freaking out.

Nick turned his head back to Joe and Kevin. His eyes were everywhere and he was still processing what exactly happened.

"I-I don't k-know" Nick stuttered. Joe put his over coat to nicks head and nick suddenly fell to his knees with dizziness.

Kevin rushed to his side with Joe. By now everyone had seen what has happened so someone was explaining to the fans that they would reschedule the show for them.

Paramedics came onto the stage but only after all the fans had left.

Nick felt surrounded and his head hurt like a bitch. He didn't understand what was happening either so he started to somewhat crawl away from everyone and towards his brothers.

Nick crawled into Joes arms and stayed there facing his head away from the bright lights and the paramedics.

"Sir, we are going to need to look at your head" a paramedic said towards nick.

Nick shook his head and tried to push himself deeper into Joes arms.

Joe held him and created a barrier from the paramedics.

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