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Joe woke up like every other morning in bed with the love of his life, Sophie. He loved her so much that it hurt and it was always sad when he had to get out of bed, and away from her.

But he managed and with a quick kiss to the forehead, he rolled out of bed and made his way into the bathroom.

Today he had to go to the studio and record some new music with his brothers. He was always excited about creating new music so he was always in a good mood by the time he got there.

Joe stripped of his sweats and T, and hopped in the shower after doing his business and let the water cascade down his tired muscles.

He started to hum one of the music pieces he had in mind for there new album and his inspiration for it?, well that was easy.

It was for his newly wedded wife who was still fast asleep in there bed.

Joe washed his hair and body before stepping out and wrapping a fluffy towel around his hips. He then wiped a hand over the fog covered mirror and brushed his teeth.

Afterwards, he then continued on getting dressed. That consisted of a sweatshirt, and some jeans, along with his pair of black converse.

Easy and simple, he thought to himself. He debated on wether to do something with his curls but resulted in him just raking his fingers through them, and that was that.

With another peck to the lips and a cute note telling Sophie he was at the studio, Joe made his way to his car starting up.

Once he got there and slipped on a pair of Ray-Bans, he strode into the studio ready to start the day.

When the elevator dinged telling joe that he had reached his destination, joe blew out a huff of hair and stepped out looking around for his brothers.

"Nick!, Kevin!" He called out. Joe continued to search for them and found them already recording music.

'Why are they recording music without him?' He thought to himself confused. But then he quickly brushed it off with him telling himself that it was probably just a part he wasn't in.

He put a smile on his face and walked into the recording room.

"Already starting without me?" Joe laughed leaning against a music stand.

The both of them quickly whirled around with expressions that once again confused Joe.

Kevin look surprised and confused, while nick looked furious. This hurt Joe a bit but like the first time, he brushed it off with a chuckle.

"What's the matter?" Joe asked. "What are you doing here Joe?" Nick asked harshly.

Joe was beyond confused now, "uhh well I'm pretty sure that we were are all supposed to meet up here to record music. For our album?" Joe explained.

Kevin looked sad now, while nicks looked like he was about to blow.

"Quit acting stupid Joe, you aren't supposed to be here!" Nick yelled. Joe felt a pang of hurt hit his chest.

"Oh was today just backup vocals for some of the songs? I'm sorry if I forgot, geez somebody's got there panties in a twist this morning" Joe said laughing but really he was hurt.

But then Joe quickly realized that he probably shouldn't have said the last part because nick looked like a ticking time bomb and he just blew.

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