Thin Ice

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"Nick let's go!" Joe yelled from the bottom of the stairs.

"Ok I'm coming!!" Nick yelled slipping on his coat.

Nick ran down the stairs after texting his wife; Priyanka that he was leaving and saw Joe.

Joe rolled his eyes "if you take any longer I'm not going" Joe said.

"Yeah well, if you don't slow down then I'm not going either" nick retaliated back.

Joe snorted, "yea ok".

After a couple more minutes of arguing both of the boys made their way out to the car.

As soon as they walked outside, the chilly December air whipped past them sending shivers down their spines.

"I call not driving" nick said running to the passenger side of the car.

Huge mistake on his part.

Nick slipped and at least slid about a foot before landing on his back with a yelp.

Almost immediately joe was laughing and was doubled over with tears sliding down his cheeks.

"I'm glad you think I'm hilarious, now help me up" nick whined reaching his hand upwards.

The ground was hard and cold, it also didn't help that the snow beneath him had started to seep into his coat.

Joe was still chuckling when he helped nick stand up. Nick angrily brushed himself off and stalked the rest of the way to the car.

"Nick I'm sorry! Quit being such a downer" Joe called after nick.

Joe then gasped as he received a very precious gift..the bird finger.

"Nicky you devil!" Joe said smiling while getting in the car.

"Keep it up joe and I'm telling Kevin" nick said with a smirk.

"Yeah and what's he going to do? Smack my hand and tell me 'be nice to your brother'?"

Nick rolled his eyes and started that car driving to their destination.


Joe yelped and hit his head on the window causing nick to bust out laughing.

"Karmas a bitch and I think she just got you" Nick said in between his laughter.

Joe rubbed at his head and whined, "fudge off nick".

"Oh by the way we're here" nick said stepping out of the car.

Joe rolled his eyes and also stepped out.

Currently they were at the lake that was frozen over. It was a lake that they used to go to all the time as kids so they decided to pick a day where all three of them could go.

That day just so happens to be today.

"Kevin is here!!!" Joe called out opening his arms wide.

Nick just stared blankly at Joe before shaking his head, brothers.

Kevin parked the car and got out smiling.

"Good morning!!" Kevin said walking over. Joe did a weird run towards Kevin before hugging him.

Kevin laughed and hugged back before walking towards nick. Nick smiled and Kevin engulfed him in a hug.

"Joes being joe huh?" Kevin said.

Nick laughed and hugged tighter. As soon as they let go, Kevin was impaled by a snowball.

Both nick and Kevin looked at Joe. Joe raised his eyebrows and looked behind him.

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