Joe Jonas

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There was no doubt that in the family of the Jonas's that Joe was the hyper and funny one. Wherever they went or did something he was the one who made a joke out of everything.

Even if Kev or Nick was upset or angry he found a way to make them happy again or use his special personality to get them something that they wanted.

But what was even more special about Joe was that he was also very caring. He listened when his brothers needed someone to talk to and he didn't care about himself one bit but cared about others instead.

He and his brothers never took anything for granted so when he got the chance to do something, he made sure that he went out like it was the last time.

So here are some stories about no one other then Joe Jonas.
When you go back though memory lane to when the the brothers were in there teen stage, you would find Joe being a goof ball in about every single one of them.

"Joe!!" Nick screamed from his room, they were getting ready to leave for tour in a couple of hours and Nick was making sure he had everything. Joe skipped up the steps three at a time and on the way up ended up biffing it.

He fell but hopped back up and continued his little run to Nicks room, "Yess Nicky?" Joe said sweetly.

Nick just stared at him weirdly for a second before answering, "Where are the snacks that I had in my bag for the trip?" He asked.

Joe nodded his head and looked up pretending to think about it, "Well I can only assume that they are now in the process of digesting in my stomach." He said sarcastically. Nick looked incredulous.

"I needed those Joe!" Nick yelled, "What if my levels fall or get too high?" Nick continued to rant.

Joe just stared "It wasn't my fault!" Joe argued, "It was my stomach talking, not me" He said defensively.

Nick was fuming now, "I cant believe you" He said quietly.

Joe pursed his lips and walked over to Nick tackling him in a hug, "Get off of me!" Nick said trying to push Joe off of him, but it was no use.

"I'm sorry, I will replace your precious snacks" Joe said while holding tightly to a now annoyed Nick.

"You better" Nick muttered, Joe let go and looked at Nick "Pinky promise?" Joe asked.

Nick looked confused "For what?" he asked but still held out his pinky finger. "I pinky promise, that when my stomach starts making whale calls I wont eat your snacks but instead go raid Kevin's" Joe said straight faced.

Nick shook on it but started laughing "Ok deal" he said. Joe smiled and went to leave the room when all of the sudden got thrown to the ground.

He chuckled realizing that Nick was hugging Joe like Joe did a few minutes ago. "Payback huh?" Joe asked amused.

"Oh yeah" Nick said softly punching Joe in the shoulder.
This next story is when Joe being Joe messes with Denise (There mom).

Joe loved to mess with his mom so what better way to do that then scare her. Joe had a perfect plan and besides in a couple of years he would be leaving to live his own life so why not make the two years he had left amusing.

So while Denise was helping Kevin move his stuff out of his room and into the car. Joe quickly and quietly slipped into his parents bedroom.

He laughed at himself and slid underneath there bed and back making sure he wasn't seen.

Joe then heard Denise and Kevin talking while walking upstairs.

"Mom I'm going to be fine, I'm married for crying out loud" Kevin said to a heart broken mom.

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