Miss you.

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It's been months since nick and Joe last saw Kevin. Kevin had to go on a trip with his wife's side of the family and he wasn't supposed to return for a long while.

Sounds weird but they had fun. Now it was time for their return.

Nick was more than excited to see his big brother so he didn't get much sleep the night before.

Both Joe and Nick stayed in a hotel so they didn't have to drive far to go to the airport. They were going to surprise Kevin and hang out with him.

Nick was wide awake as he didn't fall asleep but Joe on the other hand, was sprawled out and snoring.

As soon as the alarm went off, Nick shot up and flung the blanket off of himself.

Nick then, ran and jumped on Joes bed.

"Joe! Time to get up! Kevin is coming home!" Nick yelled, while jumping up and down.

Joe grumbled and rolled over not acknowledging the younger one.

Nick stopped bouncing and pouted, sticking out his lower lip and everything.

"Joeee" nick whined.

Joe batted his eye lids open and huffed, nick was going to be the death of him.

"What?" Joe snapped sitting up.

Nick flinched at the tone Joe used but just shrugged it off.

"You need to get ready, Kevin is coming home!" Nick repeated himself.

Joe rubbed a hand down his face with a small smile. "I heard you the first time nick, why don't you get us something to eat while I get dressed" Joe suggested.

Nick quickly nodded and ran downstairs to the kitchen to grab them something to eat. There wasn't a lot of options so Nick just stuck with the first thing he saw.

Chocolate Chip Muffins. Nick grabbed both him and Joe one before running back upstairs.

There was an elevator but that would just take to long so nick opted for the stairs instead.

As soon as nick ran into the room, joe was dressed but was still lounging on the bed.

"Joe, get up. We have to leave" nick said, slowly walking in.

Joe turned and smiled at nick, "nick, if we leave now then we're going to be an hour early. Calm down, you will get to see Kevin"

Nick looked down at his feet, he didn't get any sleep what so ever and now he was acting like a child on Christmas.

"Come on, why don't you eat with me. Get dressed and then we will leave" Joe said sitting up.

Nick looked up and sighed, "yeah ok".

The morning went by fast but in nicks opinion, it dragged on for far to long.

But the time had finally come and with a quick check around there hotel room to make sure they didn't forget anything, they were off to see Kevin.

The car ride was filled with singing and excitement. Occasionally, nick felt his eyelids grow heavy but he snapped them awake.

"Nick we're here," Joe said softly.

Nick quickly opened his tired eyes and looked out the window. They were in fact, at the airport.

Nick smiled and turned towards Joe.

"Are you excited?" nick asked.

"Yeah!, I mean who else am I supposed to annoy?" Joe chuckled.

Nick laughed and undid his seatbelt before climbing out of the car.

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