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Fuck me in the ass.

Well not really, Joe really didn't want that but as of right now that's how he was feeling.

His week was shit and it seemed, that it was only getting worse.

First, he lost his favorite shirt that he was going to wear to an interview with his brothers. Second, he was late to the said interview and from then on everything went to shit.

He tripped and fell into unanimous objects, his alarm clock stopped working along with his phone. Sophie had to leave to spend time with her mum, house fires were almost started, and Joes daily dose of ADHD seemed to kick off his insomnia.

So the day when he had to go to the studio to finish the almost ready album, it was the last straw.

*Honk* *Honk*

Joe lifted his head and looked at the time,


"SHIT!" Joe screamed while scrambling out of bed.

This wasn't happening, it couldn't be. Joe was supposed to be at the studio by nine.

Joe shrugged on a pair of joggers, a t-shirt and some sneakers.

His hair would have to wait but who the hell honked at him?

Joe ran to the door and threw it open finding a package sitting on his doorstep. He would open it later but until then, he grabbed it and threw it on the table.

Joe finished getting ready with some minor injuries and a nice bruise on his head before sprinting to his car.

It's ok, all he had to do was call nick and tell him he would be a couple minutes late. He knew fully well that he was going to be an hour late but it wasn't exactly his fault.


Joe arrived an hour late just like he knew he would, and ran into the building climbing the stairs.

"I'm here and I am so sorry!" Joe cried.

"Your good Joe. Nick was just finishing his vocals so when you got here, you could go in" Kevin said as he messed around with his guitar.

Joe nodded his head looking around, awesome.

"Joe you made it!"

Joe looked up from the floor and saw Nick coming out of the booth smiling.

"Yeah I did, my uh alarm clock didn't go off." Joe said.

Nick smiled even wider and nodded, "happens to everyone at least once."

"Oh, by the way, it's your turn to go in and record yourself," Nick said grabbing his phone.

Joe felt himself internally start crying. He wasn't in the mood, not this week anyway. "Ok, I'll just go and get it done and over with."

Kevin nodded from where he was sitting but could see something was wrong. Call it his big brother radar.

Joe walked into the sound booth and was greeted by the sound people.

"No greeting to the manager?"

Joe whipped around bug-eyed and gasped, "Oh! I didn't see you, I was in my head I guess. It's nice to see you though."

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