Thin Ice- Part 2.

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"So as far as we can tell, there still is some water in his lungs but not a whole lot. The pump we used seemed to clear the majority of the water out, which is a great thing but there still is some excess water" the doctor said pushing his glasses up on his nose.

Joe blinked at him before pulling a weird face.

"Sooo what does that mean?" Joe asked.

The doctor grimaced, "well in most cases the water the pump does not get out turns into pneumonia so on top of a cold he will be battling, he will be fighting two diseases".

Kevin looked at the sleeping nick beside him on the hospital bed and sighed.

Just getting him here was exhausting, he hated ambulances and even the idea of going to the hospital so, in the end, they had to drug him.

The nurses pumped his lungs and now on top of almost dying, he not only has to fight a cold, but he also has to fight pneumonia.

"Well is there medicine and stuff?" Joe asked getting angry. The doctor wasn't telling him anything unless he asked, and it was getting seriously annoying.

The doctor huffed and looked at his clipboard before looking back up.

"Yes there is some medicine that can help, and there are also some home treatments that will help too"

Joe threw his hands up, "thank you!"

Kevin sighed at this, "Joe calm down, and maybe try to quiet down. Nick is still asleep"

Joe turned to Kevin and his face softened as he looked at a curled-up nick, who was bundled up in blankets.

"If you'll excuse me, I have to go. Good luck" the doctor said walking out.

"Yeah! F you too!!" Joe yelled rolling his eyes as the door shut.

Joe yelling stirred nick so now nick was slowly blinking awake.

"Hey there sleeping beauty," Joe said, his tone immediately softened.

Kevin raised an eyebrow at Joe but let it slide.

"Hey Nick," Kevin said just as soft.

Nick brought his hands up and rubbed his eyes awake when a gurgling cough erupted the movement.

Nick sat up and began to have a coughing fit.

Joe immediately ran out to grab a nurse and Kevin stayed behind to pat Nick's back.

Minutes later a very nice nurse came in with Joe trailing behind.

"Hi there, I'm Jenny and you must be nick," Jenny said smiling.

Nick nodded but laid back down with a hiss.

"So I don't know what the doctor told you but I'm gonna lay down the facts and if you have any questions please ask away"

All three of the brothers nodded so Jenny continued.

"So from the coughing I heard just from outside the door, there is some water still trapped in your lungs. It's very common with people who almost drowned, this is known as secondary drowning. Any questions so far?"

Everyone shook their heads, well besides nick who was passed out again. Oops.

"With people who have secondary drowning they usually get what's called pulmonary edema. It's the same thing as pneumonia so we will treat it as pneumonia. I'm sure you know what it is, basically consists of fluid in the lungs, chills, shakes, coughing, shallow breathing, pain in the chest, etc. So what I will do is get him some medication for the cough, and antibiotics that should clear it up in about three weeks. I'm not saying it's going to be easy as there are going to be some long nights and fights with the loss of appetite but this should make it easier. Any questions yet?"

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