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Brothers, the definition of annoyance and love. One day, they are your best friends and then the next they could be ripping each others hair out.

But somehow the Jonas brothers were never like that. Sure there was the competition, but are you really siblings if you don't have any?.

The three brothers only had each other and they preferred it that way. Sure they got into some small arguments but nothing a little music can't fix.

As teenagers they got into more arguments but they always forgave each other even if it wasn't there fault.

Then some years later the break up happened but it didn't end in a argument. It just ended and they walked away.

Now six years later, they were back in the game and after getting everything off there chests they were brothers again.

They were in the studio messing around with a song that nick had started and they were doing great!

But if there's one thing that gets on the brothers nerves, it's the lyrics. Nick starts to write them and of course Joe and Kevin help but there's also a lot of disagreement.

Joe usually met in the middle with nick but when it came to Nick and Kevin, well the war was on.

"THAT DOSN'T MAKE SENSE!" Nick yelled at Kevin.

Joe sat ready to pounce in between them in case this argument turned for the worse.

"IM JUST SAYING THAT MAYBE ANOTHER WORD COULD BE USED!! And yes it does make sense" Kevin yelled.

Nick glared at him and turned back to the music. "Nick?" Kevin asked, "Nick?!" Kevin yelled trying again.

Nick continued to ignore Kevin and write the music. "God your being a brat. You know that nick?! You know for you acting so grown up, you sure act like a baby sometimes" Kevin ranted.

This seemed to make nick even more pissed off. Nick looked up and found Kevin looking away. Ok, if Kevin wants to call him a child then he was going to act like it.

He picked up his pencil and threw it towards Kevin hitting him square in the back of the head.

Nick started laughing while Kevin turned around with a "what the fuck" face on. Kevin then proceeded to pick up the pencil and chuck it back.

It hit nick in the face causing nick to stop laughing. Nick was right back to being pissed off and walked right up to Kevin.

"Really?!" Nick exclaimed shoving Kevin backwards. Kevin stumbled back but caught himself and then rushed forward pushing nick hard.

Nick fell the the floor with a thud but before Kevin could feel bad he was up and punched Kevin in the face.

"Ow! What the fuck!" Kevin said holding the side of his face. Nick just stood there staring blankly.

Kevin dropped his hand and suddenly didn't care about who punched who. Nick looked hurt and Kevin knew why.

Joe got up from not interfering and walked up to them. "Nick?" He asked.

Nick blinked out of his trance and found that tears had collected in his eyes and were now falling down his cheeks.

He didn't mean to hit Kevin, it just kinda happened. Kevin took a step towards nick but nick took a step back.

"Nick it's ok, siblings fight and they hit each other" Kevin said. Nick just shook his head, no Kevin was his older brother and he would never hit him. But he did and he hated himself for it.

Joe looked at Kevin before stepping towards nick. "Nick we play wrestle all the time, hitting Kevin isn't any different" Joe tried explaining.

Nick couldn't believe himself! He punched his own brother over music. He looked up and could see Kevin's face starting to swell.

This made nick start to mess with his hair and tug on it while walking back and forth. "Nick it's ok" Kevin persisted.

Nick didn't listen, he knew that they knew that it wasn't ok. He stopped and stared at Kevin with tears pooling in his eyes.

"I'm sorry" he said quietly. Joe and Kevin looked concerned. "Nick it's ok-

"NO! It's not ok! I punched my own brother over music!! What kinda of sibling does that?!" Nick yelled while crying.

"Nick it's completely normal, I swear. I'm not even mad, I mean I was then but I'm not now" Kevin said calmly.

Nick sat down and slowly but surely Kevin and Joe sat on either side of him. "Nick there's no reason to get so upset. You two got mad and you acted out like any other siblings would" Joe explained.

Nick stopped crying and sniffled. "I just feel so bad" he said. Kevin leaned over and hugged nick "it's fine little brother".

Joe joined in on the hug and they all laughed. Then nick felt a jab to his ribs.He thought nothing of it but it continued so he looked and saw it was Joe.

Nick poked back until it was a full out wrestling match. They all three knew it was just for fun and honestly it felt great.

They were all three wrestling each other even though they were grown men and landed on the floor.

They were laughing but getting into it. But then Joe got flung somehow and they heard a crash. They all shot up and found Joe sitting in a mess of drums.

They all started laughing really hard till there was tears streaming down there faces. "How are we going to explain this one?" Joe asked getting up with the help of Nick.

Kevin shrugged and so did the other two. "I guess we just admit that we were goofing around and we crashed the drums" Kevin said chuckling.

Nick and Joe nodded smiling. "Whoever leaves the studio last is a rotten egg!!" Joe screamed running out laughing.

Nick laughed and ran after Joe leaving Kevin running after them screaming "That's no fair!!".

Somethings never do change. Even if they are grown adult men, they are still children at heart.

A/n~ *Bows* Thank you! Thank you! I wrote this fast but I'm kinda proud of it. So thanks for reading!!

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