Here we go

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Chapter 2

I finally made it home. I took one last glance outside before opening the door and enduring the house.

"Mom!Dad! I'm ho-" I was cut of as the sight of both my parents layer dead in front of me. Blood was everywhere. I felt as though I would throw up.

I was still paralyzed at the sight of my parents in this condition. Too scared to get near them I ran out of the house. I didn't know where to I just ran till my legs hurt and I fell to my knees and started sobbing like there's no tomorrow.

"Hello there!Are you Ok?"
I look up and see a police officer towering over me.

"M-my..p-par-rents!" I couldn't say anything without stammering. I could tell the officer was confused but I couldn't say much more without more tears rolling down.

"Come with me please!" The officer said while helping me to my feet. I didn't protest and just followed him to the station.

After I had called down he started asking me questions.

"So what happened?"

"M-my parents....I found them dead on the floor when I came home."



"Where do you live?"

I gave him my address and he and a few more cops showed up to my house. They opened the front door and witnessed the same scene I had. I didn't have the courage to look and the bodies on the floor.

The officers were talking for a while and finally turned to me.

"Do you have anyone you can stay with?" One officer asked.

I thought for a bit then I realised.

"Y-yes my grandmother, but she....she lives in Japan."

"Are you willing to go to her?"

"Yes. I'm not sure I'd like to stay here anymore."


He then returned to his co-workers and they talked for a bit.

(Time skip)

I was now sitting on my bestie's bed with my bag packed. I was leaving for Japan the next morning.

"So this is goodbye huh?" Sarah asked looking a little sad.

"I'm gonna miss You!" I let out a few tears at the thought of losing my best friend.

We had a hug setion for a few minutes until Her cousin called us down for dinner.

(After dinner)

"Dinner was amazing thanks Salina."I said as I picked up the plates ready to wash them with Sarah.

"It's no problem..oh and sorry about y'know your parents." The moment of my parents came back. The memory I would like to forget occupied my entire mind. But I didn't let my sad feelings show to those around me and forced a smile.


After dinner we soon fell asleep. I didn't know what tomorrow would bring but I was curious to find out.

(The next morning)

I woke up bright and early which was surprising cause it took a me a while to actually fall asleep cause I was processing what had just happened.

I took a quick shower and put on some casual clothes not really putting any effort into my hair and or makeup.

I walked down stairs and was surprised when i was hit with the smell of bacon and eggs. 'I thought I was the only one up. Guess not' I thought as I made my way down stairs.

"Hey y/n!" I turned and saw Salina cooking.

"Oh hey Salina. You're up early."

"Yeah I figured you'd like some breakfast before your long trio so I woke up early in order to have time to prepare."

"Thanks but you didn't have To."

"I wanted to."

I smiled and made my way to the table. She sat a plate before me. I aye without hesitation.

(Time skip to the airport)

I was waiting in line waiting for my plane.

"MRS L/N!!" I turned around and noticed the officer I talked to previously running towards me.


"Mrs l/n you need to be careful. We've been doing some research on who might have assassinated your parents. The person has left no evidence behind but.." he paused for a moment to make sure I was processing all this information. "We found records that the was a plain that went to Japan last night."

"Ok?" I was confused as to where this was headed.

" We're not exactly sure but we think that the killer might've left for Japan. So be careful."

"S-sure." This news startled me a little.

"Attention all passengers the plane to Japan will be arriving shortly. Please do not stray too far while waiting."

The speakers announced.

"Well I gotta go. Goodbye officer."

He than left. 'Fml' I thought as I made my way to the seating area.

Soon the plane arrived and it was time for a new chapter in my life....was not excited for it.

This is my first story but I like how it's going so far. Hope you all enjoyed

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