Prepare for war

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Chapter 25

Izuku helped me stand up but the moment I did, this heavy feeling weighed me down. I fell to my knees again but Izuku caught me before I could make contact with the ground.

"Y/n. What's wrong!"

"Something's comming, something bad! It's comming but I don't know When! We have to warn everyone about this Izuku!"

"Y-y/n, what do you mean?"

"Izuku! Something's comming! I can feel it! It's bad and it's comming! Maybe in a few weeks, maybe in a few months, but something's comming soon! And it's dangerous! We have to warn heroes Izuku!"

"B-but how do you know?"

"I-I don't know, I just have this very uneasy feeling that something terrible is gonna happen and we have to prepare!"

"Ok let's go down and warn everyone!"

Izuku and I got down and ran into the dance room. Everyone turned to us, some of them confused, some of them concerned.

"Everyone listen up! Something bad is about to happen! And we-"

"Oh yeah?!" Bakugou stormed up to me.

"How the hell do you know?!"

"I felt it, I kn-"

"Felt it? And why the hell should we belive you cause of a feeling?"

"Bakugou I-"

"And by the way, what's comming huh? What's this bad thing that's comming huh?!"

"I..." I looked down I defeat. "I don't know."

"Ha! That's what I thought." He turned to everyone. "She's just doing all this for attention."

Everyone looked at me. Some looked in discussed, others looked in worry and some looked in annoyance.

"Kaachan, she is not lying! She's telling the truth and I know it!"

"Shut up Deku! This is not your fight! In fact, if you want a fight, I'll give you a fight!"

Bakugou threw an explosive punch at Izuku.

"Izu!" I acted quick and ran up In front of Izuku.

"Y/n!" Izuku yelled but it was no use. I got hit with Bakugou's stta j and was sent flying across the room.

(Izuku's POV)

It's like everything was moving in slow-mo. Kaachan had hit y/n, sending her flying across the room and into the wall.

"Y/n!" I ran over to her and kneeled over to her. She hit her head so hard that blood rand down the side of it.

People looked in shock and Bakugou was just standing there in shock.

"What's going on here!" Mr Aizawa's voice rang around the room. He finally saw the damage that has been done and walked over to where y/n and I were.

"What happened to her?!" He asked.

Most of the people around pointed to Kaachan who was still shocked about what he had just done.

"Bakugou what did you do!?"

"I...I didn't mean to, I was just..."

"Save it! We don't have much time." He proceeded to wrap y/n in his scarf."I'll be taking her to the hospital!"

"Wait! I'm comming too!" I insisted.

"Very well." We made our way over to his car and drove to the hospital.

(Y/n's POV)

I woke up in some place covered in clouds. Am I dead?

I looked around and noticed 3 very familiar people.

"Mom? Dad? Grandma?"

They turned their heads to face me and smiled.

"Y/n! Glad to see you!" Dad said.

"Oh Dad!" I ran up to him and hugged him, then my Mom, then my grandma.

"I missed you guys so much!"

"We know kiddo, we were watching."

"Wait-what?!" I pulled away from the hug.

"Well we watch over you dear." Mom explained.

"But there's no time for chit chat dumpling, the league of villains are planning on something very dangerous. Unfortunately we can't tell you what, but you have to warn everyone!"

"I tried, but I ended up going head first into a wall. By the way why didn't you tell me your son was the violin Tomura Shigaraki?"

They all looked down.

"Well. I wanted to, but...complications! I'm sorry, I was supposed to tell you all about your quirk the day I was found in the warehouse. But Shigaraki had other plans."

"Dear, you need to warn them, please. They need to listen to you before it's too late! You have to help them." They started away as the words echoed around me. "Help them, help them, help them, help them."

"She's awake!" The doctors yelled as I unexpactidly sat up. My head was throbbing and in so much pain.

The door swung open and revealed a concerned Izuku and Aizawa.

"Y/N!" They both yelled.

"Aizawa, I've had enough! Listen to me cause all your pathetic lives depend on the info I'm about to give you! The league of villains is planning something, something bad, somethung way worse than you've ever seen Ok!" I didn't have the time nor patience to sugar coat anything.

Izuku just looked at me wide-eyed while Mr Aizawa looked to be contemplating weather to listen to me or send me to a mental hospital for crazy people.

"I'll contact all might about this. Midoriya take y/n home." Mr Aizawa commented.

"S-sure Mr Aizawa!" Izuku helped me out. "Let's take you home and relax."

"Izu I can't, I can't relax. I just can't rest while the league are planning out there."

"Wait, aren't they in captivity?"

"They are, but they still could have some plan cooking. And it's all so unsettling!"

"Hey y/n. Calm down. Look at me!" He grabbed my shoulders and made me look him in the eyes. "Y/n I need you to calm down, breathe with me."

He then helped me calm down and a warm sensation aross from my body. Izuku pulled me into a tight hug and started whispering sweet nothing's to me.

"Calm down please." He whispered for the last time. We soon made it home and Izuku led me straight to bed.

"You need some rest, c'mon and lay down."

"Izu....can...can you stay with me, I need you right now."

"S-sure, let's lay down." Izuku put me to bed and got in next to me....and cuddled meeeeeee...:D tis ok.

(Aizawa's POV)

"So the league will attack you say!"

"Yes all might. What's should we do?"

"Is it really that bad?"

"I doubt that y/n was over reacting."

"Then we should gather all the heroes and prepare. This is war!"

We discussed further and even notified all the heroes about the upcoming battle.

We were to tell the students on the upcoming school day. It's Friday so that'll be in 2 days.

"Farewell all might."

"Farewell Aizawa!"

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