The silence before the storm

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Chapter 9

(Y/n's POV)

I was in a field of flowers of every shape and colour(Hey that rhymes). Birds were flying around and singing their beautiful songs.

Sitting on a small bench was a women. I couldn't see her face for I was viewing her from behind.

Her posture was slouched, she had her hands to her face, as though she was crying.

I walked over to the women and tapped her shoulder.

"H-hey ma'am are..are you Ok?"

She turns to face me.

"Grandma!?" I didn't have time to process anything before she hugged me.

"I'm so sorry sweety. I didn't have the time to explain anything to you. I wanted to but it was too late!"

"'s ok breathe." I waited for her to calm down before continuing.

"So what are you talking about?"

She took a deep breath then faced me.

"Have you ever heard of quirks?"

"No?Does it have anything to do with these 'heroes' and 'villains' Izuku keeps talking about.?"

"Well yes. You see-" the was the sound of a loud horn.

"Oh No." Grandma said slightly panicked.

"W-what's wrong grandma!?"

"Listen y/n. I'm out of time. But you have to fix this before it gets worse. Please be careful"

She started to fade away.

"Grandma?! Grandma! No wait I can't loose you again!grandma please!"

Sh-she was gone. She had completely faded away.

"GRANDMA!!" I shot up from my laying position.

" was a dream."

"Y/n?! Y/n Are you Ok?!"  I looked up and noticed Izuku standing by the doorway, he looked panicked.

He walked up to me and whipped away tears I didn't know were flowing.

I looked around the room to notice. It was Izuku's room.

"What happened?"

"You passed out and I carried you home. I hope you don't mind..."

"It's fine...Hey Izuku?"


"Can you tell me about these 'quirk' things?"

"You don't know about quirks?"

"N-no. Is it bad?"

"Mhmm is it possible that where she's from, there aren't any quirks, heroes or villains? Then she was most likely confused when I talked about heroes and villains the other day. Mhmm."

"Uhh? Izuku? You're mumbling." I said slightly confused, I didn't catch what he was saying but he seemed so deep in thought.

"Huh? Oh-uh sorry I must've zoned out."

"It's Ok, so about these 'quirks'?"

"Oh yeah!" He then went to his drawer and pulled out a notebook.

"Well quirks are just like superpowers. Pe-"

"Wait! Superpowers?!" I interuppted

"Yeah. But only 80% of people had them. Well i'm guessing here in japan"

"Ok so these 'Heroes' and 'villains'? What about that?"

"Well ever since people started getting quirks, some used them for evil and others good. Other people with impressive quirks such as all might, have become pro heroes. And there is this group of villains called the 'League of villains'. The heroes are ranked, with all might being the number one hero."

This...this is too much to take in. Woah. People here are fighting like in those movies with super heroes and the most impressive thing someone can do in America is eat a giant burger in an hour.

"Uhh y/n Are you Ok?"

"Yeah, yeah..I'm just thinking."

"Why did you suddenly ask about quirks,heroes and villains. Is there something wrong?"

"W-well...I think I talked to my grandma." He looked at me with wide eyes.


"Y-yeah.. she told me that I have to 'fix this' but she didn't really say what."

We sat in comfortable silence for a while before Mrs Midoriya came in.

"Hello kids. Oh am I interrupting something?"

"No Mrs Midoriya It's Ok."

"Please, call me Inko."

"Ok mrs- uh Inko."

"Y/n...Uh I hope you don't mind but..."


"Izuku?" Inko said looking at her son.

"Sure mom." He then turned to me.

"We were wondering if you'd like to come to U.A with me. And maybe...stay here with us, you can take the spare bedroom."



"I would love to!"

"I'm happy to hear that." Inko interrupted.

"Thank you inko."

Then Inko came over to us and we imidiatly had a hug stettion with just the three of us.

Everything seems at peace....for now. What awaits our previous little y/n. Stay tooned to find out

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