Wait, Izu?

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Chapter 39

I've looked all over Japan but haven't seen her. It's been two days and no one has heard or seen from her. At this point I was freaking out. Eri grew a little depressed but I would cheer her up as best as I could.

It was almost time for Eri to go to sleep when I got a sudden call from and unknown number.

I picked it up with a simple. "Hello?" And waited for the person on the other side to reply.

"Izuku,Y/n! I think she was taken here in America! I saw her two nights ago walking around really late as I was getting home from the airport. She then went out of sight and I heard a loud thud soon after. It sounded like a body comming in hard contact with the floor or something along the lines of that. Izuku I'm worried!" I heard y/n's friend, Sarah exclaim as I was still processing what I had just heard.

Y/n was kidnapped? It's all my fault. O shouldn't have caused that scene then maybe she wouldn't have stormed off.

"I'm comming over Now!" I hung up the phone and imidiatly called for Eri who rushed down to me with a worried expression.

"What's wrong daddy?!"

"We're gonna fund your mom."

Her face lit up and she started jumping around and cheering.

After she calmed down I took her in my arms. I used my quirk speed over to the airport and got on a private jet. The sooner I get there, the better.

It took about 8 hours to get there and I didn't even think to close my eyes for rest. I couldn't rest while y/n was in possible danger!

When I got to the American airport, Sarah was waiting for me with her husband.

"Where did you see her last?" I walked over to them.

"In the alleyway down the street!" She cried. She had teary stained cheeks and her eyes were puffy.

I didn't say a word after that, instead I just walked in the direction of the alleyway in a fast pace.

I got to alleyway and just observed for anything out of the ordinary. I finally spotted....

The other half of the pendant y/n and I would wear

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The other half of the pendant y/n and I would wear. Her half was nowaying on the hard ground.

I slowly leaned in and picked it up. Slowly matching it with the other blue half, tears starting to form.

"I'm so sorry y/n." I fell to my knees still clinching onto that pendant and tears streaming down.

Minutes past and I managed to finally regain myself. I noticed a tiny piece of paper at the edge of the alleyway. It was and address, but to where? I went back to Sarah and Daniel, handing them the paper hopping they would know what it is.

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